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  1. Went up to 1.5.3, works fine. Went back up to :latest, same error. Removed container from unraid and removed image, reinstalled from template, same error. EDIT: I am running the container as custom on br0, with a static IP. Docker is set to IPvlan. Using NPM as a reverse proxy. Not sure if that makes any difference in regard to the 1.5.4 update. Here is my catalina.out after startup, and failed connection:
  2. I've been having issues connecting to a Windows box via RDP since the latest update ( 1.5.4 ). I can ping the host from the docker console fine, I can connect to the Windows machine via other RDP services fine ( RD ios app, windows Remote Desktop ). No guac setting or network changes have been made. I've tried restarting the docker image. Not sure where to go from here. UPDATE: rolled back image with :1.5.2 tag and its back up and running for me.
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