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Everything posted by Jetty

  1. From the post you linked it looked like the concern was the mover had taken files from the cache to the array. I double checked the settings for the cache my dockers run on and the mover isn't setup. Additionally i checked the docker paths and tried them with user and with the cache name. I only have an issue when i copy my save file back into the palworld folder and change Gameusersettings to the use the old save file. If I use a new game file the docker starts and runs fine. Diagnostics.txt Pal-CRC-backup-2024.02.11-14.45.27.log
  2. Thanks for your quick response, I checked this post and I am not sure I followed it 100% as I am very new to this. My share for my dockers doesn't have mover setup so nothing should be moved off the share is my understanding. I also attempted to change the server settings path and steamcmd path between user and the share which didn't seem to change anything. I tried with both on the user path and both on the cache path. I also tried transferring the save files to a new dedicated server setup on my windows computer. I wasn't sure if the files would work but it seems to have the same results as running in the docker.
  3. Can anyone help? Since updating my palworld container earlier this week the server won't start with my save files. It just crashes and keeps trying to start. I have tried a clean removal of the docker and re-installation and I am able to start a new save file without issue. If i try adding back in my save file I get this and it just repeatedly cycles through this.
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