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  1. I actually got things working. I believe this was due to a previous installation where I had forgotten to change the EULA to true. Ended up using the Dynamix File Manager so I could delete the old atm7sky folder inside of appdata. After that, a TRUELY fresh install worked just fine.
  2. Just did a fresh install, only option I changed was the EULA to true, but the container won't start. Log shows that it's trying to open a file that doesn't exist. Do I need to create it and put it in the forge directory with the .jar file? + cd /data + [[ true = \f\a\l\s\e ]] + echo eula=true + [[ -f server-1.2.3.zip ]] + [[ -n -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m ]] + sed -i '/-Xm[s,x]/d' user_jvm_args.txt + for j in ${JVM_OPTS} + sed -i '$a\-Xms2048m' user_jvm_args.txt + for j in ${JVM_OPTS} + sed -i '$a\-Xmx4096m' user_jvm_args.txt + [[ -n '' ]] + [[ -n '' ]] + [[ -n '' ]] + sed -i 's/server-port.*/server-port=25565/g' server.properties + chmod 755 startserver.sh + ./startserver.sh Error: could not open `libraries/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.18.2-40.2.1/unix_args.txt'
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