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Everything posted by mo0oh

  1. Will the upgrade from Plus to Pro be the same price as it was before those changes? I am wondering, because the new Lifetime license, which you said would essentially be the old Pro license, will by then be sold "at a higher price point".
  2. Yes, there are also files named "scrub_alpha.cron" and "scrub_bravo.cron". The file "scrub_ssd.cron" contained the exact lines that were also present in /etc/cron.d/root I was trying to remove and nothing else. For now i made a flash backup and deleted the file and also the entries in /etc/cron.d/root. Now I have to wait a week to see if it really cleared any traces of the schedule but I think that should be it. Will report back if the issue still is present the next scrub interval. For now this seems to be the solution. Thank you very much!
  3. Hey, thanks for your response. Indeed there is a file in config/plugins/dynamix named "scrub_ssd.cron" along with the ones for my current pools. Is it safe to just delete the file? Should that fix the issue?
  4. Until recently my unraid build consisted of the array and a zfs mirror pool "ssd". I then added a second mirror pool "bravo" and renamed "ssd" to "alpha" via the GUI. Last week in the syslog I noticed that there still seems to be an active scrub schedule for "ssd" that exits with status 1. I assume that means it fails run because there is no pool with that name anymore: As there is no such pool I cant deactivate the schule via the GUI. I found the following entry in /etc/cron.d/root after searching the forums where this cron job might be stored and poking around with midnight commander: But even after deleting the lines in the root file the schedule still seems to run as I still got the error today, also it seems to restore those lines. Is there a way to permanently disable the scrub of "ssd" without the GUI? felixserver-diagnostics-20240212-2236.zip
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