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  1. my bad ive only used unraid for 5 days so im a real greenhorn to server stuff. dashboard only show cpu and ram usage for 1 user. im upgrading cpu to a i9 9900ks. id like to start using unraid for more then a plex server. i have an extra evga 1080 would that be enough for 4 users? im thinking about using the 3080 for other projects. homel1-diagnostics-20240216-0852.zip
  2. having an issue with my official plex docker unraid 6.12.6 nvidia driver installed and followed the instructions. plex shows the gpu but is not using it for transcoding. anything im doing wrong? i also cant update the nvidia drivers to a different version it says "nothing to do driver 535.146.02 already downloaded" not sure if thats effecting anything. homel1-syslog-20240216-0458.zip
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