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  1. Thank you so much for the detailed response! I shall give it a go this weekend!
  2. Thanks I have Ark Ascended working well with your container. I am wondering how to create a cluster with The Island and Scorched earth with your container. I am not seeing much on that for Ark Ascended since it is newer. I am somewhat familiar with cluster ID's but didn't think I could run 2 servers in on container. Do I run two containers (can I even do that in Unraid with this image?) and have some common place for the data?
  3. Any guidance or information on setting up an Ark Ascended cluster in Unraid using ich777's container? I saw some guidance for Ark Survival Evolved. Not having much luck with google or searching this thread.
  4. So I figured out my issue. I had a space in the server/docker name. I didn't catch that before but now it loads. I had changed the server ports to 7780 and 7781 but it did not seem to like that either. Default ports of 7777 and 7778 worked ok. All are forwarded in my router. How can I change the ports to not conflict with the default ASA ports? I see the message to delete and add it back in but I guess there is something I am missing. "UDP Gameport (if you need another port, please delete this entry and create a new UDP Port with the required port number, also don't forget to click an 'Show more settings ...' and change the port number" Do I add an UDP entry for port 7780 if that is what I want to use from the add another path, port option on the bottom? I cannot simply change the value. Do I change the docker port? Sorry just learning the stuff so I appreciate your patience and tolerance of these questions. Thanks again for the reply and the great dockers!
  5. Hello, I am newer to Unraid but have things working well. I really appreciate all the hard work that went into these game docker containers. I was able to get my Ark Survival Ascended server working with no issues. However I having an issue with the Ark Survival Evolved docker. I believe I have everything configured correctly but the server never fully loads but is visible and you can join it but never successfully. The proper ports are open. I see this in the log and wonder if this is part of the issue: [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed. Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 346110 I had a friend who installed this on his Unraid server last fall and it worked for him then. When he tried again recently he was having the same issue I am having. Any insight or help would be appreciated.
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