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  1. Hmm seems like a possibility as I do use SMB. I’ll do some experiments the next time I am at my computer. Unfortunately, if this is what causes the issue, I am guessing the previous directory names would lost to history. But would be satisfied to at last understand this behavior better so thanks for sharing! Will update tomorrow morning as soon as I’m able on any findings
  2. Great question! I have clicked through three or four directories and picked a random sample of files from each, and each appeared to be completely intact.
  3. Interesting idea. Though the files are still accessible in the renamed folders and I haven't found any location that the original name with encrypted contents. I assume these encrypted files would be located in the same location? 🤔
  4. I haven't manually started a repair, but is this something unraid does automatically on a periodic basis?
  5. @KilrahThey are in the expected location. What do you mean by a filesystem check? Like a parity check or something else?
  6. Hmm. I almost never use windows with this unraid server so I would be surprised if it came from there. I asked ChatGPT and it said: However, when I was trying to learn more about 'sparse subdirectory names' there was practically no additional information which made me think that ChatGPT was likely making the name up. But not sure, to be honest, which is why I thought I'd ask real humans who likely would know a more accurate answer. It is possible that these file names were quite long, maybe >80 characters. But I can't see their original directory names to confirm so this is just a guess. When I manually create longer file names they don't get renamed within the observation period. So it's got me stumped.
  7. Apologies in advance as I am sure this has been asked before, but I have been unable to locate any previous posts due to not knowing this behavior's name. I have been noticing that many of my directories have been renamed to so something like the following when I do `ls` in the command line: AWSVI4~U/ AWT44A~A/ AWTG9Q~4/ AWVBVQ~S/ AWWPW5~4/ AX1FG1~5/ AX4ROW~G/ AX6IG2~B/ AX9N8N~T/ AXEAWT~X/ AXGKR7~X/ AXTZHE~6/ AXX89X~Q/ AXXQ3N~1/ AXY21M~3/ AXYEMA~B/ AY6IL5~G/ AY9CO0~Y/ AYDVWF~W/ AYGYF6~S/ AYHK2F~4/ AYICEK~E/ AYKN8G~5/ AYP24I~B/ AYVCSJ~D/ AYXEJE~4/ AYZZUR~4/ AZ7DOQ~D/ AZ8GE5~V/ AZB27W~Y/ My array is using XFS. It doesn't seem like corruption because the files within these directories are still accessible and the renaming is so uniform. So a few questions: - What system or feature is causing this (so I can read more about it)? - What causes some directories to be renamed and other to not be renamed? - How can I disable this renaming and restore my directories to their original names? Thanks in advance!
  8. Thanks for all the wonderful responses. I have replaced the CPU and the error seem to have gone away. Will continue monitoring but I haven't seen these error in the 12 hours since the CPU was replaced.
  9. It was only on the screen for less than a second, but I might have just seen a similar kernel error when trying to boot into proxmox. If so, then it's likely not a software error... Could it be my CPU? Never heard of a brand new CPU being bad. But what else could cause these issues if the mobo and ram have been replaced and the issue persists?
  10. I am extremely dismayed to report that the new motherboard and RAM did not resolve the kernel errors I have been seeing and reporting. I am at a complete loss at what to do next. This makes me think that the issue wasn't hardware related. If it's not hardware related, that means it has to be software related. Starting to wonder if I need to find another solution other than Unraid. Not my preference, but I am not seeing how else to get a stable system... Any thoughts would greatly appreciated.
  11. Today was the last day I could do any returns so worried that this was indeed a hardware failure, I took that option. New mobo and RAM will arrive by the end of the week to see if that resolves any of these issues.
  12. Update on findings to date: Using only RAM stick 1: After some time the system simply froze. Could no longer access the machine either via the web gui or via the keyboard and mouse plugged into the host machine. There is also no indication of issue in the log immediately prior to the system becoming unresponsive. However, around 10-15 min before the freeze, there was a stack trace with an interesting message: kernel tried to execute NX-protected page - exploit attempt? Using only RAM stick 2: The system hasn't crashed yet, but it is behaving very strangely. Some examples include: Jobs in docker containers are frozen. I cannot kill these docker containers either via web gui or shell Via gui: popup window after pressing 'stop' "Execution error Server error" Via shell: $ docker kill <conainer_name> Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: <container_name>: tried to kill container, but did not receive an exit event Can't start or stop the docker daemon via the settings screen Settings gui will show it's stopped, but when I `docker ps` all the containers are still running System doesn't respond to reboot requests, either via web gui or shell Can't take the array offline, the button doesn't respond in any way There are tons of CPUs that are stuck in a waiting state Additionally, there are quite a few stack traces here as well such as: Unable to access opcode bytes at 0xffffffffffffffd6. Maybe the issues documented under ram stick 2 aren't actually related to a bad ram stick, but it is what I have experience while trying to test the second ram stick. My plan is to continue to test ram stick 2 to see if it eventually does crash, but thought these issues were weird enough to note during the debugging process. unraid-syslog-ram-stick-1.csv unraid-syslog-ram-stick-2.csv
  13. I'll give it a try and report back. Thanks.
  14. Hello all, As mentioned on a previous post, I have recently upgraded my system to use newer, better hardware. Ever since then, I have been plagued with crashes. I believe I have sorted out many of the software configuration related crashes as the system now only crashes once a day instead of every 3-4 hours, but this next error has me stumped. I am seeing numerous segfaults in the logs starting at about 3:00 am, and then resuming at 9:00 am. Things I have tried: - Ran a memtest, so far I've only had passing results - Updated BIOS to the newest release (required for mobo to be compatible with my CPU) See syslogs attached. Due to the regularity of the crashes, I've setup a remote syslog server so I don't burn out my USB stick. The attached file is an export from that remote system. Apologies in advance for the different format. Thanks in advance for the second pair of eyes on this issue. unraid-syslog-export.csv
  15. I appear to be incorrect about my previous conclusion. I have removed the GluetunVPN container and simply enabling docker and the two (previously stable) containers (Plex & Komga) causes the Unraid Web GUI to become inaccessible after some period of time.
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