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  1. Can I just put in a request for this flavour of image generation? https://github.com/rupeshs/fastsdcpu/ Thanks for readying. Oddsodz
  2. Hello all. I would like to take the time to thank everybody involved with this app/plugin for unRaid. It is a marvel that so much work has gone into this. I have a request. I hope you don't mind. Could you add a option/flavour/User Interface of some sort that is CPU only and not GPU dependent. What I mean is. Instead of selecting '05' for the ComfyUI 'WEBUI_VERSION' in the Edit page of the unRaid docker tab. We could have a 'WEBUI_VERSION' for '17' and it be ComfyUI-cpuONLY. I know not all versions of stable diffusion interfaces can work with just a CPU. But some can and do. I understand that CPU only mode is SLOW as all hell. But speed is not an issue if you just set a batch of images to be generated. And then come back a few hours/days latter to see the results. System ram and lots of it will be the main factor. And RAM is a lot cheaper than NVidia GPUs. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Oddsodz
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