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  1. As I'm using this script within the "User scripts"-plugin I just want to post some improvements I have implemented: - the script can now process a directory with spaces in its name - the script checks if it is really processing a directory (the former script had some trouble with unwanted files under /mnt/diskX/) Feel free to check out but keep in mind: Always make a backup of your data first! Note: The snapshotted Unraid share must be on a BTRFS-disk and this disk must be configured as a included "Primary" or "Secondary" storage for this share (see configuration on Unraid web panel -> "Shares" ... click on share ... check "Share setting") #!/bin/bash #description=This script implements snapshots on btrfs array drives. #arrayStarted=true ## Credits # catapultam_habeo - Initial script # Tomr - Modified version with SNAPSHOT_TYPE retention policy # studmw - Modified script for spaces in directory names and a directory/file check (and German console output) #if you change the type you'll have to delete the old snapshots manually #valid values are: hourly, daily, weekly, monthly SNAPSHOT_TYPE=hourly #how many snapshots should be kept MAX_SNAPS=2 #name of the shares to exclude stored as an array: EXCLUDE=('share 1' 'share 2') EXCLUDE=('tm macbook air' 'tm macbook pro') #name of the snapshot folder and delimeter. Do not change. # SNAPSHOT_DELIMITER="_UTC_" SNAPSHOT_FORMAT="$(TZ=UTC date +${SNAPSHOT_TYPE}${SNAPSHOT_DELIMITER}%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S)" #make empty directories not freak out shopt -s nullglob #btrfs check is_btrfs_subvolume() { local dir=$1 [ "$(stat -f --format="%T" "$dir")" == "btrfs" ] || return 1 inode="$(stat --format="%i" "$dir")" case "$inode" in 2|256) return 0;; *) return 1;; esac } #part from original script (not used) #POSITIONAL=() #while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] #do #key="$1" #case $key in # -n|--number) # MAX_SNAPS="$2" # shift # past argument # shift # past value # ;; # -e|--exclude) # EXCLUDE="$2" # shift # past argument # shift # past value # ;; # *) # POSITIONAL+=("$1") # save it in an array for later # shift # past argument # ;; #esac #done #set -- "${POSITIONAL[@]}" # restore positional parameters #adjust MAX_SNAPS to prevent off-by-1 MAX_SNAPS=$((MAX_SNAPS+1)) #tokenize exclude list declare -A excludes for token in "${EXCLUDE[@]}"; do excludes[$token]=1 #debug echo line echo "Bearbeite das EXCLUDE-Verzeichnis \"$token\" und habe hier den Wert \"${excludes[$token]}\" gesetzt" done #iterate over all disks on array for disk in /mnt/disk*[0-9]* ; do #examine disk for btrfs-formatting if is_btrfs_subvolume $disk ; then echo "\"$(basename "${disk}")\" ist ein BTRFS-Laufwerk und wird bearbeitet:" #iterate over shares present on disk for share in ${disk}/* ; do #test for exclusion if [ ! -n "${excludes[$(basename "${share}")]}" ]; then #check for .snapshots directory prior to generating actual snapshot if [ -d "$disk" ]; then if [ ! -d "$disk/.snapshots/" ] ; then echo "Erstelle ein neues BTRFS-Subvolume \"$disk/.snapshots/\" als Snapshot-Hauptverzeichnis" btrfs subvolume create "${disk}/.snapshots" fi if [ ! -d "$disk/.snapshots/$SNAPSHOT_FORMAT/" ] ; then echo "Erstelle neues BTRFS-Subvolume \"$disk/.snapshots/$SNAPSHOT_FORMAT/\" als Snapshot-Unterverzeichnis" btrfs subvolume create "$disk/.snapshots/$SNAPSHOT_FORMAT" fi fi echo "Bearbeite \"$share\":" #check if it is a directory if [ ! -d "$share" ]; then echo "$share ist kein Verzeichnis und wird übersprungen..." else is_btrfs_subvolume "$share" if [ ! "$?" -eq 0 ]; then echo "\"$share\" ist kein BTRFS-Subvolume und wird nun in ein neues BTRFS-Subvolume verschoben..." mv -v "${share}" "${share}_TEMP" btrfs subvolume create "$share" cp -axvT --reflink=always "${share}_TEMP" "$share" rm -vrf "${share}_TEMP" fi btrfs subvolume snap "${share}" "${disk}/.snapshots/${SNAPSHOT_FORMAT}/$(basename "${share}")" #read only use: -r fi else echo "\"$share\" ist auf der EXCLUDE-Liste und wird übersprungen..." fi done #find old snaps to delete echo "Ich habe $(find "${disk}/.snapshots/${SNAPSHOT_TYPE}${SNAPSHOT_DELIMITER}"*/ -maxdepth 0 -mindepth 0 | sort -nr | tail -n +$MAX_SNAPS | wc -l) überzählige(n) \"$SNAPSHOT_TYPE\" Snapshot(s) gefunden" for snap in $(find "${disk}/.snapshots/${SNAPSHOT_TYPE}${SNAPSHOT_DELIMETER}"*/ -maxdepth 0 -mindepth 0 | sort -nr | tail -n +$MAX_SNAPS); do for share_snap in ${snap}/*; do echo ""$share_snap" wird gelöscht" btrfs subvolume delete -c "$share_snap" done btrfs subvolume delete -c "$snap" done fi done