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Everything posted by Exxaxion

  1. Freshly installed Kavita on my trial unRaid, but I have no access to the admin setting dashboard. Edit: after some test it work on Chrome and on Mobile (Firefox) but not on my Firefox Desktop 🤷‍♂️
  2. Hello everyone, I try to use my unRaid storage with my docker. I have a server which run docker and Portainer, and I have a unRaid separate (docker isn't in unRaid) My docker compose look like that : version: '3' volumes: downloads: driver_opts: type: "cifs" o: "username=xxxx,password=xxxx,vers=3.0" device: "//xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/Shares/mybook/book" configs: driver_opts: type: "cifs" o: "username=xxxx,password=xxxx,vers=3.0" device: "//xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/Shares/containers/kavita/configs" services: tranga-api: image: glax/tranga-api:latest container_name: tranga-api environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - TZ=Europe/Paris volumes: - downloads:/Manga - configs:/usr/share/tranga-api ports: - "6531:6531" restart: unless-stopped tranga-website: image: glax/tranga-website:latest container_name: tranga-website ports: - "9660:80" depends_on: - tranga-api restart: unless-stopped When I used this compose but with my docker folders it was working, but when trying to use unRaid to store all, I can't get it to work I'm a noob in both unRaid and Docker. If I use the IP, I have this error log : Creating Error response from daemon: failed to populate volume: error while mounting volume '/home/xxx/docker/volumes/tranga-nas_downloads/_data': failed to mount local volume: mount //xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/Shares/mybook/book:/home/xxx/docker/volumes/tranga-nas_downloads/_data, data: username=xxx,password=xxx,vers=3.0: no such file or directory When I use my unRaid name server, I got this : error resolving passed in network volume address: lookup XXXX on server misbehaving I guess the issue is network side, but I don't know if it's in unRaid config or Docker. Any help appreciated. Thank you.
  3. Oups number 2. For anyone wanting the solution, under "options" in the VM, we can set up the boot order, in my case, sliding the USB Key to the first position, activate it and validate. Now unRaid boot and reboot normally.
  4. I managed to succeed in rebooting unRaid, when stopping the VM and starting again I saw "press esc to enter boot options" something like that. Is there any way to set up the boot order like in any normal BIOS, but in unRaid?
  5. Hello everyone, totally noob in unRaid (still in trial...), I will explain my use-case first. I have already a Synology and wanted to upgrade. I have a mini pc (Ryzen 7 32go 1to SSD), I wanted to play around, and to have few VM inside. I installed Proxmox and I have 2 VM, one is an Ubuntu for Docker and one is unRaid (installed through this guide ). My thought : I wanted a docker on a server to run some reader / parser / scrapper (maybe some Plex later or other website), and I wanted to save those "data" inside a NAS (which it didn't work on my previous one) So I installed unRaid, at first to be able to have a Docker inside it, but now I don't find it's weird to separate those two. (Now I even consider building a new case dedicated to unRaid, to have several disks with the Pro offer, pity I missed from 3 days the old licenses tho...) Anyway, after some trials with share and mount, my network didn't allow me to enter in my shared folder through my Windows Desktop. I thought to reboot unRaid and since then I have a black screen on the VM console saying "Booting from Hard Disk..." and stuck at that. If any kind soul could help me, I would be very grateful. Thank you.
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