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Everything posted by unraid-550529

  1. Thanks so much for this info. Indeed using Brave Browser in a non-private tab makes it work also for me, so: yay But for my mentioned Firefox version it still doesn't work. But thanks to your hint regarding the POST request, only then I took a look in the dev tool's network tab and saw that the POST request to "update.php" gets blocked by the browser with an "NS_BINDING_ABORTED" error. Doing a quick research on "Firefox NS_BINDING_ABORTED" brings up several possible reasons, some of which seem rooted in the way the HTML is structured etc. But I didn't dig deeper. Just wanted to let you know about this. I'd be curious if that also happens for you using Firefox. But again, thanks so much for your great work. Really appreciate it
  2. Firefox 124.0.2 (64-bit), via snap on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS. Regular mode, _not_ private/incognito. Can't see any errors anywhere.
  3. So in UPS Settings, once I start the APC UPS daemon (cable and type: "USB"), down in the UPS Details it shows me ``` Warning: Undefined variable $power in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.apcupsd/include/UPSstatus.php on line 88 ``` I can confirm that my UPS and its connection is working fine via Terminal by executing `apcaccess status localhost:3551`, giving me: ``` APC : 001,034,0835 DATE : 2024-04-07 00:36:43 +0200 HOSTNAME : <my Hostname> VERSION : 3.14.14 (31 May 2016) slackware UPSNAME : <shows also my hostname> CABLE : USB Cable DRIVER : USB UPS Driver UPSMODE : Stand Alone STARTTIME: 2024-04-07 00:35:40 +0200 MODEL : Back-UPS ES 700 STATUS : ONLINE LINEV : 232.0 Volts LOADPCT : 22.0 Percent BCHARGE : 100.0 Percent TIMELEFT : 25.0 Minutes MBATTCHG : 10 Percent MINTIMEL : 10 Minutes MAXTIME : 0 Seconds SENSE : Medium LOTRANS : 180.0 Volts HITRANS : 266.0 Volts ALARMDEL : 30 Seconds BATTV : 13.6 Volts LASTXFER : Automatic or explicit self test NUMXFERS : 0 TONBATT : 0 Seconds CUMONBATT: 0 Seconds XOFFBATT : N/A STATFLAG : 0x05000008 SERIALNO : 5B0841T22340 BATTDATE : 2008-10-08 NOMINV : 230 Volts NOMBATTV : 12.0 Volts FIRMWARE : 829.D2 .I USB FW:D2 END APC : 2024-04-07 00:37:18 +0200 ``` UNRAID 6.12.10
  4. Thank you, here they are ... unraid-diagnostics-20240404-2311.zip [edit] For the Nerd Tools I only activated `restic`, because I intend to use it in a script to backup data from my shares to the USB (flash) drive on mounting (via device script).
  5. I'm running Unraid 6.12.10 with UD 2024.03.31. Would that be the latest versions? (I saw on Github an upcoming 2024.04.01, but I'd assume that'll take its time until it has gone through the official release pipeline so that it'll show up in the Unraid UI as new version) Though I'm still experiencing the same behavior where I can't create new scripts via the UI. I tested with 3 different USB flash drives while one has only 1 vfat partition and another has 3 partitions (1 exfat, 2 vfat). While unmounted when I navigate to the settings page of the disk/partition, I click the 'Default' button at the bottom, the script and the filename populates, I click 'Save', the screen flashes and everything disappears again (like described by another poster beforehand, that also showed screenshots). I already uninstalled the UD(+) plugins (incl. deleting '/boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices' folder) and reinstalled but to no avail. Can you point me into a direction what I'm doing wrong? Thanks so much for your quick reply.
  6. Hi dlandon, I'm a new Unraid user. Thanks so much for your great work. I spent some hours trying to find out why new device scripts won't save. Luckily I now managed to find your regarding post. Can you already tell more about when this would be addressed or what kind of workaround we can do in order to run scripts on mounting of external (flash) drives? Can I help in any way to fix this? Can you provide more details about what the exact issue is (with the current Unraid verssion)? Thanks so much in advance.
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