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  1. When i tested even a 1mb .docx file would stall explorer and would prob take hours to complete. It took about 5 minutes just to get the transfer to cancel. I'll try find some time to upgrade again, what diagnostics file do you need?
  2. Writing from a Windows 11 PC with all the latest updates installed to a smb share results in unusable smb write speed of kbs. I have tried with windows explorer that takes minutes just to calculate and other copy apps. Tried writing to other shares and removing any smb extras. Issue was fixed as soon as i downgraded to 6.12.11. I didn't test the smb write performance using other OS's. Hopefully other Windows users can replicate the issue.
  3. Could we have different backup schedules for some containers?
  4. I got WD sata and sas drives along with a dell hitachi sas drive which all go to sleep on the hba330 in hba mode, except the 3 x seagate 6tb sata ironwolfs. Would be intresting to see hba card would act differently with generic firmware.
  5. Are they in IT mode, no dell bs? What cards?
  6. Its weird it affects only both sata and sas seagates. Maybe it only happens on Dell mini cards? I might try source a full size card in IT mode and see if it still happens.
  7. Hey all, i got a r730 with a hba330 in hba mode. All my drives spin down exept for the 6tb Seagate Ironwolfs. I can manually spin them down but after a few minutes they spin back up. I'm considering buying another controller. Is there any know good controller that works with all hard drives brand and types.
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