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Everything posted by wawibu

  1. Ja das ist im Handbuch ziemlich doof beschrieben. Im BIOS ist es dann so, dass die Bifurcation beim x16 Slot eingestellt werden kann. Habe mir die Asus Karte mal bestellt. Denke das wird damit dann klappen. Werde entsprechend berichten
  2. @mgutt bist Du hier erfolgreich gewesen? Suche gerade nach einer Option mein MC12-LE0 Mainboard mit einer NVME Karte entsprechend zu erweitern. Da wäre es klasse zu wissen was Deine Tests ergeben haben
  3. I adjusted the rsync script in a way to include and exclude specific folders. Makes it also more reliable on what gets backup. Was just surprised to see that a folder created on a pool device automatically poping up under shared folders. Once you know, it makes complete sense and provides a simplicity to /mnt/user Thanks
  4. I have an array of 3 Disks + Parity, a NMVE as Cache and an 8TB HDD under pool device for a local backup. Having rsync with source of /mnt/user/ and /mnt/backup_hdd as target. The rsync runs fine and creates a new folder under /mnt/backup_hdd. So far so good - the folder created by rsync appears under the user shares and is therefore now also part of /mnt/user - which would result in an endless loop and doesn't make sense. I didn't checked that before I run rsync but seams to be a common behavior - each folder I create under /mnt/backup_hdd is automatically added to the shared folders Is there a way to prevent this behavior? My array is running a parity check and therefore I can't test if the option Enable user share assignment within the backup_hdd setting would do the trick. Did anyone know?
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