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  1. Follow up question, I am sure it has to do with my formatting.... I am trying to enter a description for the server. However, it doesnt seem to read what is in the ServerHostSettings file. I also know this can be overwritten a parameter (which does allow a portion of it to show up). I tried doing variations of the following: -description Testing my server -description "Testing my server" -description "Testing^ my^ server" Edit: The descriptions seems to show up fine in game but not for the Server list. which results in the following in order: Testing Testing Testing^ So I am sure its breaking on the space. How can I input this parameter properly so that spaces are acknowledged?
  2. Dude you are amazing, thanks for your time and effort. Can confirm server started up just fine and mods loaded in. Also reviewed the Bepinex logs specifically and do see the proper load messages there.
  3. The server does stop crashing but it does not seem to load Bepinex. I have run this on a Windows VM successfully without any mods (just Bepinex installed) and the indicator is youll see this in the log when it actually loads in Bepinex: From what I gather, it has to do with whatever version of wine is installed on this container. If curiosity is on your mind, I would say give that a shot as a test to see if that will allow Bepinex to load per the three bullet points on the thread: use winehq stable use WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winhttp=n,b" for wine Set [Logging.Console] Enabled = false in BepInEx.cfg From reviewing the logs of the initial download of Bepinex, it does seem to grab the correct version from the Thunderstore (which is newer than the one you are referencing on the link). For reference, I can get the server up and mods running successfully on Windows with that latest version... but I cant for the life of me get the game to show up on the server list (yes port forwarding, firewall rules, etc) or my friends to join (with or without Bepinex). However, I do not have this issue with this container standing in unraid. At the end of the day if I want to play the game I will have to use this container so I am thankful for you having this available with or without the ability of Bepinex. Thank you in any case for entertaining the idea.
  4. For VRising, it seems someone managed to get Bepinex working per this thread: https://github.com/TrueOsiris/docker-vrising/issues/45 Sorry I am not too familiar with how containers are maintained or built on your end but if that helps any in being able to get Bepinex to work on this container, that would be great.
  5. I ended up resolving the issue. I had the backup application plugin so I just conducted a restore. This allowed me to resurface my containers safely and my entire system is back up for the most part. The only thing I was unable to recover were some VMs but thankfully they were only gameservers so doesnt bother me much to lose them and rebuild.
  6. Hi all, I am trying to minimize any damage I could have done right now. I read up on some forum posts here on how to replace a cache drive. From what I understood it was that I needed to set the appdata share secondary storage to array, then cache > array then invoke the mover and wait for it to finish. Once that is done, swap the drive. Once swapped, delete the pool and create new one selecting the new drive. Set array > cache, invoke the mover and wait for data to return. One of the first issues I noticed was that docker.img stated filepath not found. I started it up thinking it needed to be recreated anyway. I have had docker.img be corrupted before, so I was not unfamiliar with re-adding my old containers. I added just plex back as a test and even though my users are listed, the server itself is not connected and my libraries are gone. Almost like a fresh start. Additionally, reading back on that thread I do realize I forgot to stop my docker service before invoking the move. I also thought putting my old cache back in would resume how I left off. I have also tried restoring from the Appdata Backup plugin on the old cache drive and plex is still in the same condition.
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