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Everything posted by keyman33

  1. Ok, thanks, ChatNoir and Frank1940! I've decided to run the Step 9 rsync command and look for any stdout! Let you know what happens
  2. Hi all: I've started the process to convert to XFS, using the mirroring process on this post: https://wiki.unraid.net/index.php/File_System_Conversion#Mirroring_procedure_to_convert_drives I've completed up to Step 8 successfully, copying my Disk 2 to Disk 8 (my swap drive). However, when I see the final Disk2 "Used" amount and compare to the Disk 8 "Used" amount, they are slightly different. (1.20 TB vs 1.23 TB, respectively) I've done a bunch of random file checking on Disk 8, and the file copy appears to be good. But I'm concerned something may be wrong as they don't match identically (and when I continue the steps in the process, and activate Disk8 in place of Disk 2, something will "break".) Step 9 talks about performing a checksum, and I've researched the "-rcvPX" command, but am not finding enough clarity to know whether the command will correct any differences, by erasing or adding files to make them identical. So, I turn to you good people for any guidance you may wish to provide 🙂 Thanks! tower-diagnostics-20221209-1537.zip
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