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Everything posted by Copey

  1. Thanks - the drive doesnt seem to me making it to unraid. I can see it in the idrac and bios but nowhere else. I thought id found it using sg_map, but it looks like it was showing the backplane (BP13G+) and not the drive? lsscsi.txt
  2. Hi, I've happily been using the 4no. 1.2tb SAS drives that came with my Dell R530 - No problems at all. I picked up a fifth drive (matching part number etc) that isn’t Dell branded and the server refuses to make it available as a physical drive? Standard SATA drives are detected without issue so I assume its something on/in the new drive that’s causing it... I swapped the H730 back to RAID mode, but it made no difference. Any pointers to help me resolve this please?
  3. Wow, Unraid sure has broken free of being a storage system that utilised old random hard drives! So many things to learn/relearn
  4. New hardware & drives - only the usb stick is original.
  5. Long story short - purchased my license back in 2009’ish and used Unraid till about 2013/14. Moved to a Synology unit as it was family/user friendly. Skip to yesterday and me watching an Aussie youtuber using Unraid to run VMs and docker - I was searching for Proxmox guides, for a Dell server I’d got off eBay, and ended up blowing dust off my old Lexar Firefly stick. One licence refresh later and my server is building its parity drive!
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