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Everything posted by davis999

  1. Thanks for the reply @johnnie.black. I guess the thing that trips me up is the fact the done logs from script were not output. I looked in the syslog and don't see any signs of them there either. Seems like the script just died after 'dd' command completed. Anyway given that 'dd' completed i guess I can assume it did what needs to be done since i see no other meaningful commands after that. Guess i'll try this with the other drives i plan to remove and see how they go. Btw, i hadn't looked at the done messages in script until after i sent my first message. I see it specifically calls out the fact that "no space left on device" error may occur and that it is not an issue (ie. is expected).
  2. Hi folks. I was attempting to run the "clear an array drive" script in preparation for removing some smaller drives. I marked one 2TB drive with `clear-me` folder and launched the script. Just checked the status of it the next day and i see a "No space left on device" error is shown in script output. Has anyone seen this before with this script? Not clear on what this means but im assuming the script was not successful Here is the full script output: Script location: /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/clear an array drive/script Note that closing this window will abort the execution of this script *** Clear an unRAID array data drive *** v1.4 Checking all array data drives (may need to spin them up) ... Found a marked and empty drive to clear: Disk 3 ( /mnt/disk3 ) * Disk 3 will be unmounted first. * Then zeroes will be written to the entire drive. * Parity will be preserved throughout. * Clearing while updating Parity takes a VERY long time! * The progress of the clearing will not be visible until it's done! * When complete, Disk 3 will be ready for removal from array. * Commands to be executed: ***** umount /mnt/disk3 ***** dd bs=1M if=/dev/zero of=/dev/md3 status=progress You have 60 seconds to cancel this script (click the red X, top right) Unmounting Disk 3 ... Clearing Disk 3 ... 2000357949440 bytes (2.0 TB, 1.8 TiB) copied, 36837 s, 54.3 MB/s dd: error writing '/dev/md3': No space left on device
  3. Ahhh okay. Thanks very much @Squid. That seems to have worked.
  4. Hi folks. I've been having an issue using the Fix Common Problems plugin. I recently upgraded my server (replaced everything but the data drives), and after doing that i installed this plugin to clean up any issues. I've had a few times where i've been able to successfully run the plugin and it's given me some feedback, but most of the time when it runs, the "Scanning" dialog shows and never goes away. I noticed this in the logs which i'm assuming is the culprit: May 4 10:28:04 chunk nginx: 2019/05/04 10:28:04 [error] 9719#9719: *4080148 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "POST /plugins/fix.common.problems/include/fixExec.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock", host: "", referrer: "" Aside from this issue, my server appears to be working great. I'm not really sure how best to troubleshoot this. I've attached diagnostics. Can anyone give me any pointers? Thanks. chunk-diagnostics-20190504-1044.zip
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