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Posts posted by elbobo

  1. I made a terrible mistake, still unsure how I did it.


    Dual Parity system previously 4TB drives, now 6TB, only 6TB in system are the parity drives

    Did a swap for Parity 1 - Copy Successful, rebuild successful

    Did a swap for Parity 2 - Copy Successful, rebuild currently running

    Get alert that Parity 2 has raw read error (in the thousands) - Odd for a new drive... This is where I discover my terrible mistake, I've accidently placed a drive that had 3.5 years of spin time on it from my other Unraid box instead of the new 6TB.


    At this point I have paused the rebuild of the previous Parity drive (now a disk in the array) because I don't think I should trust the Parity 2.


    What's the best way to resolve this with the least risk to data? Everything important on the array is offsite backed up... but if I can avoid bringing it back (and losing the unimportant stuff) I would like that. 


    Should I (and can I even) pull parity 2 and restart the data-rebuild of Disk 4 (the swapped disk) then once that is complete, add a new 6TB drive as parity 2 and have that start it's process?


    Still unsure how this drive made it from my "destroy/recycle" pile back to the "on hand to swap if necessary" stack... I will be putting some failsafes in place to prevent that going forward. I cannot believe I did this... I am certainly kicking myself...

  2. I updated last evening and tried to log in today, UI never shows and the log shows:


    2020-09-06 13:32:58,725 DEBG fd 8 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22829345373872 for <Subprocess at 22829345240976 with name sickchill in state STARTING> (stdout)>
    2020-09-06 13:32:58,725 DEBG fd 10 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22829345660736 for <Subprocess at 22829345240976 with name sickchill in state STARTING> (stderr)>
    2020-09-06 13:32:58,726 INFO exited: sickchill (exit status 2; not expected)
    2020-09-06 13:32:58,726 DEBG received SIGCHLD indicating a child quit
    2020-09-06 13:33:01,733 INFO spawned: 'sickchill' with pid 61
    2020-09-06 13:33:01,786 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
    /usr/sbin/python2: can't open file '/opt/sickchill/SickBeard.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

    2020-09-06 13:33:01,787 DEBG fd 8 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22829345241696 for <Subprocess at 22829345240976 with name sickchill in state STARTING> (stdout)>
    2020-09-06 13:33:01,787 DEBG fd 10 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22829344995168 for <Subprocess at 22829345240976 with name sickchill in state STARTING> (stderr)>
    2020-09-06 13:33:01,788 INFO exited: sickchill (exit status 2; not expected)
    2020-09-06 13:33:01,788 DEBG received SIGCHLD indicating a child quit
    2020-09-06 13:33:02,789 INFO gave up: sickchill entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly

    Looking at the github it looks like they might have upgraded to requiring Python3.X on their end. Is there a fix for this?



  3. Currently I am just trying to get everything configured over VNC, my goal after that is done is to use a remote connection tool like TeamViewer or something similar. Unfortunately I am running into an issue with the vanilla build where the mouse will just stop working (The pointer will follow the dot from VNC for a while... then the pointer "sticks" and that's the end, the dot still moved but the arrow sticks, clicking does not respond to what is under the arrow either). Restarting the VNC window doesn't make a difference, I have to restart the VM and then it will work again for a short time. So far, it hasn't run long enough for me to get TeamViewer installed. I've now downloaded TeamViewer on another system and hope I can browse to the network and run it before the mouse disassociates. I have tried each of the VNC settings for the mouse with no luck. 

    Any pointers would be great (I am running with the vanilla XML after the mouse line was removed)


  4. 3 hours ago, John_M said:

    Can you mount them manually? You can refer to them as /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc if it's just a temporary measure to copy off your data, or by their /dev/disk/by-id names, maybe in a little script, to save typing, if you want to mount them regularly. Just open a terminal session and use the mount command. You'll have to create their mount points manually first. Something like

    mkdir /mnt/disks/HP1
    mount /dev/sdb /mnt/disks/HP1
    # Alternatively,
    # mount /dev/disk/by-id/LOGICAL_VOLUME_5001438010F32760_3600508b1001c3ef5300bf0e49df986fa /mnt/disks/HP1
    mkdir /mnt/disks/HP2
    mount /dev/sdb /mnt/disks/HP2
    # Alternatively,
    # mount /dev/disk/by-id/LOGICAL_VOLUME_5001438010F32760_3600508b1001c3d2b732d4816c14b3a1e /mnt/disks/HP2
    umount /mnt/disks/HP1
    rmdir /mnt/disks/HP1
    umount /mnt/disks/HP2
    rmdir /mnt/disks/HP2

    You might need to add a mount option or two.

    I was able to let Unassigned-Devices mount the prior one by removing the partition on the newer one. I then created a share with a preference to cache (just for speed) and did:

    cp -r /mnt/disks/* /mnt/cache/RecoverVMS/

    one that was complete I connected to the HP server and recreated my 8 disc SSD array as a single RAID 5+0 mounted that as an unassigned device with the same mount point of the previous and then did a copy in the reverse direction 

    I have restarted my VMs and they are functioning, I'll count that as a success.


    Thank you for all of your help, in the end I decided to risk the data for the opportunity to consolidate the space into a single disc running with it's own redundancy. That way in the future the data is better protected. 

  5. 19 hours ago, John_M said:

    They could in fact be different but so long that they are getting truncated somewhere.

    You were right, the names that HP assigned were:

    LOGICAL_VOLUME_5001438010F32760_3600508b1001c3ef5300bf0e49df986fa (sdb)
    LOGICAL_VOLUME_5001438010F32760_3600508b1001c3d2b732d4816c14b3a1e (sdc)

    Unfortunately it does not appear that it is something that can be changed


    If it isn't possible to mount them both should there be any issue with me copying the items off the currently mounted unassigned device to the array, recreating the logical volume as a single volume and then copying the images back. Most specifically, I just want to make sure that shouldn't cause issues with my VMs


    Thank you

  6. 1st off, thank you for the plugin it has been working wonderfully for me for quite a while. 

    I'm running on an old HP Server and I had split my 2.5in SAS raid block as 2 separate partitions to be used as a cache and as an unassigned space to mount VMs

    I have now upgraded to a larger SSD Cache and was just going to mount the previous cache as a second unassigned device. Unfortunately when I mount it I can no longer browse the 1st. It appears the issue is the SAS is identified by the same ID, so even though I have sdb and sdc when I change the mounting point for one it changes for the other. I tried two different FS just to see and that did not change anything. 

    Is it possible to mount them separately?

         If not, if I copy the 147GB partition to my array, and then merge the two within the HP utility, and then remount and copy the files back would I run into any issues within my VMs (if I keep the naming convention)?

              Would you just suggest a cp -r /mnt/disks/HP_LOGICAL_VOLUME/* /mnt/cache/ from shell or another method to move it?


    Thank you for any assistance or guidance you can provide. 


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