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Posts posted by reggierat

  1. I'm having trouble getting this set up.


    The Docker is configured correctly but i am unable to access the VPN remotely using either host or bridge on eth0.

    I have bonding disabled.

    I can only access the VPN remotely if i changed interface to br0 and then port forward to the new ip address  but then i have the problem of not being able to connect to the unraid webui which is the whole point of setting it up. When i switch back to eth0 and portforward to the unraid server's ip address i cannot connect


    root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='openvpn-as' --net='host' --privileged=true -e TZ="Australia/Sydney" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e 'TCP_PORT_943'='943' -e 'TCP_PORT_9443'='9443' -e 'UDP_PORT_1194'='1194' -e 'INTERFACE'='eth0' -e 'PGID'='100' -e 'PUID'='99' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/openvpn-as':'/config':'rw' 'linuxserver/openvpn-as'




    [edit] Still don't understand what the problem was, but i have fixed it by changing the port from 1194 to 1195.. can't see that anything else is using 1194 on unraid, it's a pretty stock config


  2. On 3/8/2018 at 6:47 PM, darkside40 said:

    Since upgrading to unRaid 6.4.1 the S3 Sleep script, which i also upgraded does not work correctly anymore.

    The problem seems to be that the newer Version of the Script also checks the hdparm output on the disks, but unRaid is not always able to put disks correctly into standby or that hdparm is not able to recognize it correctly.

    So spin down disks are sometime shown as active/idle and the Script does not sleep the Server.


    I think we already had such au problem last year, resulting in reverting back to a previous Version of the script. Would it be possible to make the hdparm check optional? 


    Experiencing the same issue here as well.  Drives appear spun down but still reporting temp and preventing sleep from occurring.


  3. On 11/10/2017 at 10:18 AM, tucansam said:

    Confirmed?  I used this a while back, it wasn't great, and I want to try again.  Is it not supported at all anymore?


    Don't get me wrong.. it does kind of work, but it also crashes repeatedly. It used to work brilliantly, not so much these days:(

  4. was just wondering why some new music hadn't appeared in Musicbrainz and am seeing


    Fri Sep 1 19:00:06 AEST 2017 : LoadReplicationChanges failed (rc=1) - see /config/log/musicbrainz/slave.log


    repeated in the logs.. is this anything to be concerned about?




    log attached.. should i be re-installing?


  5. 3 hours ago, hurricanehrndz said:

    We hope to have an update within the next 3 days. Sorry for the delay.

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk


    Awesome! thanks for the reply


  6. any progress on the segfaulting?


    [edit] is there anyway to disable to the image loading to atleast work around the segfaulting?


    [EDIT] OMG it's fixed!  thank you to whoever was responsible for the latest update :-*

    .... spoke too soon, just segfaulted.. although it seems much improved, as i was able to add 2 artists and have all albums and artwork download quickly.

  7. On 3/29/2017 at 8:16 PM, reggierat said:

    I'm still having problems with Headphones segfaulting.. Is there anything more that we can do to get to the bottom of this.  There is nothing meaningful in the logs it seems.  It seems to happen when adding a new artist but there is no real consistency with it, sometimes it will happen immediately, other times after 3-6 albums being added, and then just to annoy you the next time you try it will scan all albums correctly! 


    So after a bit of playing around this morning hopefully i have something that can be repeated.  Completely fresh install of Headphones in a new docker for testing, during the import of my music folder i noticed it segfaulted whilst processing Johann Sebastian Bach.


    So now i have a completely clean install, no albums or artists at all.  Instead of importing from my music library i'm just adding Johann Sebastian Bach as a new artist and it faults almost immediately.  Just repeated this several times with a completely clean install and it it happens each time. 

    Is anyone else able to recreate this? 


    Just tried it again after leaving it alone for a few weeks, latest update


    this time it adds almost 2000 albums before segfaulting , so i guess it's an improvement :)

  8. I'm still having problems with Headphones segfaulting.. Is there anything more that we can do to get to the bottom of this.  There is nothing meaningful in the logs it seems.  It seems to happen when adding a new artist but there is no real consistency with it, sometimes it will happen immediately, other times after 3-6 albums being added, and then just to annoy you the next time you try it will scan all albums correctly! 


    So after a bit of playing around this morning hopefully i have something that can be repeated.  Completely fresh install of Headphones in a new docker for testing, during the import of my music folder i noticed it segfaulted whilst processing Johann Sebastian Bach.


    So now i have a completely clean install, no albums or artists at all.  Instead of importing from my music library i'm just adding Johann Sebastian Bach as a new artist and it faults almost immediately.  Just repeated this several times with a completely clean install and it it happens each time. 

  9. Is there anything more we can do to trouble shoot this? It's still a regular occurrence for me.  Although saying that I'm still getting new albums downloaded so I guess it's not a terrible problem.


    Do you suggest we move to the latest beta?  I was holding out for latest stable but it seems to be taking awhile

  10. is this what you are looking for?


    root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="Headphones" --net="bridge" -e TZ="Australia/Sydney" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 8181:8181/tcp -v "/mnt/user/Music/":"/music":rw -v "/mnt/cache/downloads/complete/music/":"/downloads":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/headphones/":"/config":rw linuxserver/headphones


  11. I've been getting the same issue with Headphones and segfaults in the unraid log


    Oct 30 09:32:21 Tower emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin checkall

    Oct 30 09:39:57 Tower kernel: python[15506]: segfault at 2ac8a18a7ff8 ip 00002ac899915d9b sp 00002ac8a18a8000 error 6 in libpython2.7.so.1.0[2ac8998a6000+341000]

    Oct 30 09:40:07 Tower kernel: python[31001]: segfault at 2b68096f0ff8 ip 00002b68017e2d9b sp 00002b68096f1000 error 6 in libpython2.7.so.1.0[2b6801773000+341000]


    I suspected it was due to database differences as i'd been running a different headphones docker and upgraded to linuxserver's docker and kept my config directory which worked fine.  I'm not really sure on the time frame that this has been happening but i suspect it's been since 6.2


    Today i deleted my headphones database and attempted to rebuild but i'm getting the same behaviour.

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