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  1. Have you tried the good old reboot? 😅
  2. What happens if you run which unzip
  3. First step would be to try and unzip it and getting the binary into the correct path: unzip -o -j "/boot/config/plugins/rclone/install/rclone.zip" "*/rclone" -d "/boot/config/plugins/rclone/install" cp /boot/config/plugins/rclone/install/rclone /usr/sbin/rcloneorig chown root:root /usr/sbin/rcloneorig chmod 755 /usr/sbin/rcloneorig Try running these sequentially and see if any of them fails.
  4. @Mikeve97 That's odd. Could you try running curl --connect-timeout 15 --retry 3 --retry-delay 2 --retry-max-time 30 -o /boot/config/plugins/rclone/install/rclone.zip --create-dirs https://downloads.rclone.org/rclone-current-linux-amd64.zip And see what the output is? Most likely either the download or the unzip is failing somehow.
  5. @adoucette Without anymore debugging info it's hard to say why it's not working for you. Just tested updating (and changing branches from stable to beta and back to stable) on my end and that still works as well (on the newest version of unraid). This just to say that the plugin is still working. Your post indicates that it does not, and while that may be the case for you, it is not the true in general
  6. @adoucette - Still working for me. However I'm not even sure what you mean by " I don't need to use the full docker". This plugin has no docker container involved at all? And can also update the rclone version. Are you sure this is the correct thread for the plugin/docker container you're talking about?
  7. Beta support seems to have been added to the rclone beta branch a couple of months ago, so just go to the settings page for the plugin and change to the beta branch? No need for an update.
  8. I haven't gotten the message yet but decided to take migrate everything to my own storage again. Didn't really use much more storage in the cloud than i have local anyway so it was more of a backup than anything. Just have to find a new offsite backup solution for non-replacable data. I think the (almost) free ride from Google is finally comming to an end.
  9. If anybody else who has this problem can confirm it as a fix I'm happy to implement it for everybody
  10. In the logs you posted it already starts by throwing errors trying to copy the existing rclone binary to the sbin directory. Then you get errors trying to just download the untouched zip file from the rclone webpage to your flash drive and then errors trying to create a config file. If anything it's the rclone folder it doesn't like. I suggest reading up on IO errors and see if you can find a solution that way.
  11. You're having I/O errors on your flash drive. I'd be surprised if this was related to the rclone plugin. Could be a corrupt filesystem or dying flash drive or any other number of things. But again I don't think this is related to this plugin specifically.
  12. That's why the error asks to check firewall and DNS settings 😉 seems you have some sort of connectivity problem. I'll try and make the error message a bit more helpful in the future
  13. @micci Can you successfully ping downloads.rclone.org from unraid?
  14. So did you try checking your firewall or DNS settings like it says? It can't download the binary from the rclone server.
  15. Have you looked at the rclone documentation?
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