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Everything posted by Waseh

  1. Are you sure it doesn't say "is rclone running?"
  2. Use the --transfers flag Link to official documentation
  3. Have you looked at the official documentation? That's always an obvious first step. Here is a link if Google is not helping you out 😉
  4. @theDrell The fix is now live in the latest beta and might get it's own point release as v1.50.2. If the beta fixes your problem please report back in this thread
  5. ncw, the maintainer of rclone, has already made a patch that i confirmed fixes the problem. Should get released soon.
  6. I downgraded the rclone version on my VPS to 1.49.5 and it's working again. I'm going to open a topic on the rclone forum.
  7. Indeed. I'm not sure how that could have happened.
  8. Have you looked on your flash drive to see if the config I still there or did you run rclone config to check?
  9. Well this is very odd. Im seeing this problem on my VPS which runs straight up Debian but i have no problems on my unraid server. The difference is the VPS is connected to my private Google drive and my unraid server i connected to my gsuite account. According to my logs the VPS stopped working October 27, which coincides with the release of rclone v1.50.0
  10. Check if you are on the latest version of the plugin. Even then try to uninstall and then install it again to see if that resolves the issue
  11. @Halvliter are you using the stable or the beta branch? I made a mistake in the wrapper on the beta branch at one point so it pointed to the wrong directory. It's fixed in the latest release though.
  12. That would be the place. Mine looks like this.
  13. There is a changelog both present in unraid webgui and on GitHub embedded in the .plg, so I'm not sure how you missed it.
  14. It doesn't. Your problem will only be solved if rclone gets patched by the maintainer or if you start mounting to an empty folder
  15. @testdasi You are completely right. Pushed an update with a fix. I didn't even notice that i had hard coded paths for each branch in the rclone wrapper since the very first version 😅
  16. I must admit that I don't use the mount feature anymore but a quick search results in the following TLDR: You can just remove the nonempty mount option, it is the default behaviour now. So this seems to be a problem with the way rclone handles non empty folders when combined with fusermount3 Here is the relevant issue on GitHub For more information check the changelog for libfuse specifically the entry regarding libfuse 3.0.0
  17. Well i wish i saw your edit before getting to the above conclusion myself. Atleast we came to the same result Thanks
  18. Considering how early that happens it seems to be something with the check for fusermount. What happens if you run fusermount -V ?
  19. @Squid Now it does 😅 2019.10.13b Fusermount compatibility fix for future unRaid versions
  20. Someone beat me to it. And probably explained it in a nicer way than i would have Reinstalling the plugin will also result in the newest version being pulled Take a look at the change log 2017.09.23 Always pull newest version on install I do concede that this could be stated somewhere more noticeable
  21. You should install it through the community applications plugin. Also thanks for pointing out the link in the first post is outdated - I'll get that sorted
  22. Is your plugin up to date? It seems to be trying to pull a pretty old version of rclone.
  23. The binary is busy as the copy is failing. So something has the binary locked.
  24. So was rclone running? I mean the error is pretty self explanatory.
  25. Yea i'm still going with your pihole blocking the rclone download. For the record i also use a pihole instance as my local dns resolver which works without any problems. Reviewing the code that's pretty much the only way to get that exact error without any other errors.