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Posts posted by xdriver

  1. I have a failed 3TB drive, a parity of 12TB, and a replacement drive that I had sitting and just shucked that is 14TB. I think it would be wisest to purchase a new 20-22TB drive and replace the parity with it, then add the parity as a drive in the array and save the 14TB as a spare drive, or transfer the 3TB of data to one of the other drives, let the parity rebuild and wait till a deal no a larger drive. I am also thinking of putting in an SSD for audio/music. Any good reason to do something else? Suggestions on when these larger drives go on sale or should I just put a deal alert on slickdeals or some other website? Thanks for helping brainstorm and work through this. 

  2. I have a 3TB drive that has errors and unraid has taken offline and emulated the data. I have 15TB free over my other drives. What is the easiest way to just remove the drive and let unraid do its thing? Is there a "better way" than the easiest way, other than just replacing the drive?


    Thank you

  3. What you really want to determine is what path within the container is getting files written by Plex at that time, and map that to an external location.   If it is not the /transcode path within the container then what is it?    I also notice that the screenshot does not show the mapping for the plex config folder - where is that mapped to?
    In terms is where to map a location for temporary files I would think that a pool is better than the array for performance reasons, and if you have lots of spare ram you might want to consider a RAM based location.

    How would I find out what is being written and where? Any idea what set of logs? Also, I added a shot of the confit file for Plex above, is that the one you were referring to? Thank you

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. On 6/18/2023 at 1:43 PM, SeeGee said:

    I use a ramdisk for transcoding. Prevents necessary wear and tear on the drives. Also responds quicker.
    One thing you may want to check is to see if plex is scanning your media and creating thumbnail previews... Those can occupy a lot of space on a large library.


    It just has chapter thumbnails, not the whole video, so I don't think that's it. 

  5. On 6/18/2023 at 8:24 AM, itimpi said:

    What you really want to determine is what path within the container is getting files written by Plex at that time, and map that to an external location.   If it is not the /transcode path within the container then what is it?    I also notice that the screenshot does not show the mapping for the plex config folder - where is that mapped to?


    In terms is where to map a location for temporary files I would think that a pool is better than the array for performance reasons, and if you have lots of spare ram you might want to consider a RAM based location.


     This one? /mnt/user/appdata/plex (image attached)

    Screen Shot 2023-06-20 at 8.14.24 AM.png

  6. 3 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    It may be because you have not mapped the /transcode folder within the Plex container to a location external to the docker image so any temporary file in /transcode are written inside the image.


    Would this matter if nothing is being transcoded? These full docker messages come up at the same time 3 times a day even when not in use/watching anything.


    On that same note, does it make sense map the transcode folder to my cache drive or to the array? 

  7. While my docker container is on the smaller side, 15GB, I have recently run into an issue of it getting full multiple times a day. These events happen at 12:23am, 10:19am, 12:28pm and they do not happen when I stop the Plex docker container. I believe this started when I enabled the Sonic feature for music in Plex. I have attached the paths I have in hopes that someone can tell me what I have set wrong, or where I need to look in order to fix this issue, maybe a path in the Plex docker itself? I posted about this before, but lacked adding some extra detail. 


    I get the alert emails:


    Event: Docker high image disk utilization
    Subject: Warning [TOWER] - Docker image disk utilization of 75% (then a few other full warnings within a couple of minutes - 87%90%/100%)
    Description: Docker utilization of image file /mnt/cache/docker.img
    Importance: warning


    Event: Docker image disk utilization
    Subject: Notice [TOWER] - Docker image disk utilization returned to normal level
    Description: Docker utilization of image file /mnt/cache/docker.img
    Importance: normal



    Thank you in advance. 






    Please help me set my paths

    Screen Shot 2023-06-18 at 5.59.37 AM.png

    Screen Shot 2023-06-18 at 5.59.57 AM.png

  8. Probably plex writing into an unmapped path.

    So unmapped paths are stored in the docket instead of the array? Why would this just start all of a sudden? Hmm, actually I set up the audio imprint sonic thing fairly recently, maybe that’s it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Just looking for some information on the uses and support for a Bluray/DVD reader/burner. I have an LG WH14NS40. I saw the Make MKV app right off the bat and have used it on my desktop to rip all of my DVDs and Blurays for use in PLEX, but the drive doesn't fit in my new desktop. I am wondering if there is full support to read and move data from discs to UNRAID, and if it has the capability of burning to discs as well. Thanks.

  10. I am replacing my parity with a larger drive after a different drive failed, and am putting the old parity into the array. I am currently around 78% into the process and at some point during the night, fix common problems gave the "error" disk6 (WDC_DRIVE SERIAL HERE) is disabled. Is this normal, or is there a real error? In the fix common problem app, it says "Begin Investigation Here" with a button that just goes to the unraid MAIN page. It appears the process is still moving forward, normal or not?

  11. It seems as though booting is hanging at the attached screenshot. This is a previously working unraid setup in a new computer. The only real difference in hardware is that this build has a LAN card and a dGPU. Other than BIOS settings of boot from USB and virtualization turned on, I’m unsure what else could be saved in it.





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  12. No joy. Removed the cage and drives. I’m going to pull the GPU, LAN, perc h310 and see if that does anything.

    Edit: doing those things didn’t fix it. It’s just power. Corsair HX650 modular power supply. Which has 4 outputs for either SATA or peripherals. I’ve tried two different cables to power the cage, and it does the same thing.

    Should I try a different power supply?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  13. When I plug my 3x4 Rosewill hotswap cage in to power, the machine "tries to boot" for about 1 second and then shuts down. When I unplug the power from it, the machine will turn on/get to the BIOS. I have tried it with and without the drives installed, and same non boot. I put the cage in a different computer and that computer booted up, so I don't think the issue is with the cage itself.  Any thoughts on this? Thank you


    Cage https://www.rosewill.com/rosewill-rsv-sata-cage-34-hard-disk-drive-cage/p/9SIA072GJ92556


    The MOBO is a Gigabyte Z87X-OC with BIOS F6 running. https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/GA-Z87X-OC-rev-1x/support#support-dl-bios

  14. That worked, the tape must have come off in the old machine and I didn't notice. That being said, now when I plug my 3x4 Rosewill hotswap cage in to power, the machine wont turn on. When I unplug the power from it, the machine will turn on. I have tried it with and without the drives installed, and same non boot. The fan turns for one second and then shuts off, and never goes to BIOS. Any thoughts on this? https://www.amazon.com/Rosewill-5-25-Inch-3-5-Inch-Hot-swap-SATAIII/dp/B00DGZ42SM?th=1


    Edit: I put the cage in a different computer and that computer booted up, so I don't think the issue is with the cage itself.

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