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Everything posted by fc9k

  1. All - thanks for all the detailed content above, really useful. I've managed to get my windows crashplan front end to connect to the docker engine by doing the following: 1. Copying over the .ui_info from the docker to my windows machine 2. Setting my Unraid IP in ui.properties I just wanted to confirm a few things: Firstly - I can no longer connect to my local crashplan backup engine on my windows machine - even when I comment out the edits made to ui.properties and replace the original .ui_info file on my windows machine. Any tips, or shall I reinstall crashplan on my windows machine? Secondly - I'm nervous that whilst I used to need to set up tunnels in putty to connect (using an old crashplan plugin on unraid v5), with this method I now don't - is this method still secure? Finally - the crashplan-desktop MATE is an awesome idea, and whilst I can connect using RDP and get to the linux desktop, the crashplan program can't connect to the backup enginge. I notice it still says v4.2, where as the crashplan engine is now v4.3. Is the MATE out of action until it gets updated, or am I doing something wrong? Thanks all for all the help and development so far!