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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. I've released a new version with the ffmpeg package installed so players that don't play wma natively can play wma files.
  2. That won't make them go away. UD is designed to leave the configured shares when it is uninstalled. So you can't delete the share at all? It sounds like the configuration file might be corrupted. You can start over by doing this: Unmount all remote shares. Delete the /flash/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/samba_mount.cfg file. Click on the double arrows in the upper right corner of the UD page. Re-enter your remote shares.
  3. How did you create that smb share? The source is very strange - '//></a>'. It contains html code.
  4. Normally sda is the Unraid flash drive. In your case the flash is sdb. Is there something on your flash drive causing this? Take your flash to a PC and see if there is something that might be the problem.
  5. Ok, looking at the message again I see where the UD fsck had a problem. I assume that the scrub didn't show any results? Back out of any browsers you had been using to access the server and then start the browser over and try again.
  6. They are formatted ext4, but at the disk level. Udev does not show any partition info for the disks, so UD doesn't think they are formatted. If you look at the UD webpage, you'll see that UD doesn't see a partition, because udev does not present info on a partition. I'm not that familiar with ext4 file systems, but I'll do some research. For now assume UD can't handle this. If you can, re-install them in the old Ubuntu system and mount them as remote shares and transfer your data that way.
  7. If they were formatted purely as xfs, then Linux (hence UD) would be able to recognize the file system. Were they in a raid or other configuration that might be a unique partition layout? Post the /var/state/unassigned.devices/unassigned.devices.ini file and I can see the disk details. This is the udev info for each disk. Let me know which /dev/sdX disk designations are the issue.
  8. The limited screen shot you posted indicates that the disk format is not recognized by Linux.
  9. You might try reassigning it back to the array, but I'd probably do a UD file system check first. You'd have to mount it then click on the check icon. It looks mountable in UD if you'd just rather mount it and unload it. I'd suggest setting it to read only to stop any write activity. Click on the three gears and set 'Read Only' On.
  10. I have issued an update to the plugin. The application of tips and tweaks values will occur now later in the start up process. What I think might be happening is tips and tweaks applies the settings before Unraid is finished initializing. Update to the latest release and see if the settings get applied correctly after a reboot.
  11. I've fixed the clear disk not showing after a preclear: I added the clear disk icon because parted has issues at times removing partitions. In your case, parted said the partition did not exist. Obviously there is a partition. The clear disk does a 'wipefs' that removes any and all partitions from a disk. Users have had to go to the command line to clear a disk, and there is too much chance of making a mistake.
  12. Your flash drive is disconnecting and then reconnecting. When it reconnects, Linux assigns a new device designation thinking it is a new hot plugged drive. The server then loses access to sda. Do this: Shut down your system. Remove the flash drive and take it to a computer and try to repair the file system. Put the flash back into the server in a different USB slot. Try to use a USB2 slot.
  13. I don't think that is the problem. I think there is a bug I didn't catch. I'm doing a preclear and will test this.
  14. It looks like this: There may be an issue with preclear being installed. I'll have a look.
  15. UD tried to delete the partition, but it doesn't exist. I added a red 'X' next to the serial number in release 12.13.2021 that does a wipefs on the whole disk and overcomes these kinds of issues. It's pretty brute force and takes all the partition information off the disk. Give that a try.
  16. Those disks are dropping out of the array and Linux then assigns new device numbers thinking they are new hot plugged disks. UD picks them up because they are not assigned to the array. I think you are wasting you time trying to rebuild the disk. You need to figure out why the disks are dropping off-line. How are the disks connected? What is common between those three disks? Post your diagnostics and one of the drive gurus like @JorgeB can lend a hand.
  17. @JorgeB It appears that UD has a bug when presented with scsi disks. The original coding was set to handle scsi disks, but it is apparently not working. Is there a way I can add a scsi disk to my server without having to use an LSI controller and an 18TB disk?
  18. Yes. UD expects ata devices. These disks are marked as scsi. Remove the dynamix scsi devices plugin. I think others have had this issue.
  19. Yea, I get that, but I'm trying to gather information to see if I can find the problem. Try this: - Click on the double arrows in the upper right of the UD page. This will trigger udev to rediscover the disks. - If that doesn't clear up the problem, then post the contents of the file /var/state/unassigned.devices/unassigned.devices.ini.
  20. Unraid manages the array, pool devices, VMs and Docker containers. All will start and stop with the array. In my mind all these things are part of the array, though not necessarily the actual array. This came from people creating pools manually and then having UD manage them before Unraid had 'Pool Devices' capability. UD didn't do a great job with pools and I just cleaned it up a bit so the GUI could handle it better.
  21. I don't know much about the Unraid UI, so I can't offer any help. It's possible it was a one time fluke. Keep an eye on it and see if the log fills with those messages again.
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