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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. The new disk alias feature does things a little different with regard to Historical devices. When a new device is hot plugged UD assigns the 'devX' to the hot plugged device and creates an entry in the unassigned.devices.cfg file. When the device is removed, it will show in the Historical devices list. Normally a historical device would not show unless the user made some setting changes on the device. What you did was to overcome something I am not getting right when UD does the saving of the 'devX' and there is no current entry for that serial number in the unassigned.devices.cfg. I'll try to reproduce this issue and see if I can resolve it.
  2. Once 6.10 is released, let's revisit this. 6.10rc3 (not released yet) is currently on Linux Kernel 5.15.15. This latest Kernel may see this fixed. Feel free to PM me if I don't get back to this issue.
  3. I did some research some time ago and the i915 driver is very troublesome. There has been some work done in 6.10 with this, but there just isn't a lot that Limetech can do since it appears to be a driver issue, I've been using it on 6.10 and have not had any issues. On 6.10, the driver is loaded by Unraid and you don't need to put it in your go file. Of course this is the problem with the i915 driver. Certain things work for some, and not for others. It's all pretty hit and miss. There was recently an issue with Plex not handling the driver correctly, but they released an updated version that fixed the problem with Plex. So I can't say it has been definitely fixed, but it has been worked on.
  4. dlandon

    Disk Spin up

    I have been assigned to look at this issue and see where it stands. We are working through support issues and this has come up. I apologize for not getting back sooner. Let me spend some time looking over your post and see if we can't figure out what's going on. In all my testing with UD I've never seen this come up. It doesn't mean it's not an issue, just that I've not seen it yet.
  5. Just a heads up to everyone using the latest UD. You need to click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the device settings page to get the disk name to apply. The switches above the top 'Done' button are immediate and don't require a 'Save'. Anything below that upper 'Done' button requires a 'Save' to apply the changes. I'm going to look at how to make this clearer.
  6. Post your diagnostics zip. Show me the output of this command: cat /usr/local/emhttp/state/devs.ini
  7. I've just released a fix for not being able to update the disk name, and I think for the blank device showing on the first device. Please update, then click on the double arrows in the upper right hand corner of the UD page. See if this doesn't clear up the blank device. After the update, let me know if the historical devices still show up that don't belong there.
  8. I'm working on this issuse. If you look at the log, it says you can't change the name because a blank name is already in use. That's a bug. When you click on device settings on the first device, what shows up in the name field? Is it blank? Also show me the disk name setting for one of the duplciate historical devices.
  9. You can delete all the historical devices. I asked you to show me the Unassigned Devices when UD was uninstalled. I asked for that because I suspect your drive bay is assigning devices with duplicate serial numbers. UD rejects duplicates because it has to have a unique serial number for each device. You can check that yourself, but it's hard for me to help you when you don't provide the information I ask for.
  10. Turn off debug. It is no help here and just clogs the log with a lot of messages.
  11. That is used to check for duplicate shares when you change a mount point. It's doesn't apply here.
  12. Show me a screen shot of the UD page without UD installed. I need to see the full serial number of all devices listed.
  13. Show the output of this command: cat /usr/local/emhttp/state/devs.ini Also click on the three gears icon and let me know what the "Disk Name:" shows.
  14. It's a carryover from the original way UD mounted disks and remote shares. It used to be that everything was at /mnt/disks/ and this setting let's people stay that way so they don't have to re-map VMs and Docker Containers to a new mount point at /mnt/remotes/. You're close, but: /mnt/disks/ is the mount folder for physical disks. /mnt/remotes/ is the mount folder for SMB and NFS remote shares.
  15. Stop your array and then restart the array. I think the Dev devices are mis-configured and this would possibly straignten it out.
  16. There is no issue with Pools. The alias name is only a reference and has nothing to do with the Pool operation. You unmount the Pool by this command: /usr/local/sbin/rc.unassigned umount name=Pool_1 You have to unmount the prmary disk. To spin down the disks use these commands: /usr/local/sbin/rc.unassigned spindown name=Pool_1 /usr/local/sbin/rc.unassigned spindown name=Pool_2 /usr/local/sbin/rc.unassigned spindown name=Pool_3
  17. You can mount the disk with UD and then share it using SMB. The VM could browse the disk share. I don't know if this will solve your problem though using recovery software. I don't think you'll be successful passing through a mounted partition like you want to a VM. UD must have the password. Go to UD settings and enter the password for the disk, then you'll be able to mount it,
  18. Release 2022.01.19. New UD feature - Disk naming: You can now name your disks with a unique alias name. On 6.9 and 6.10 the disk names will default to the unassigned devices 'devX' designations. This can be up to 8 characters, upper and lower case, no spaces (spaces are converted to "_"), and minimal special character use. The name is case sensitive. One feature of the naming is that the disks will show on the UD page in alphabetic name order. You can also mount, unmount, and spin down disks with the rc.unassigned command using the disk name: /usr/local/sbin/rc.unassigned mount name=diskname /usr/local/sbin/rc.unassigned umount name=diskname /usr/local/sbin/rc.unassigned spindown name=diskname You set the disk name by clicking on the three gears icon to edit the disk settings. If you want to remove your disk name, just clear the disk name in the edit settings and click 'Save'. The default 'Dev X' will be assigned. The 'Dev X' designation in the disk name will show as 'devX'. The disk names of installed and historical devices are checked for a duplicate name when you try to change the name, so you cannot name a disk the same as a historical disk. Historical disks are sorted by "Serial Number" and not device.
  19. Give me some time and I'll report it to Limetech. There is a lot of activity trying to get 6.10 released so it would probably be over looked right now. PM me after 6.10 is released and I'll get it logged as a potential enhancement. Can't guarantee anything.
  20. I'm working on a new feature that will allow you to set an alias name for each disk that replaces the 'Dev X' and will be used to sort the disks. See several posts up to see the new layout. This way you can set alias names that will sort in the order you want.
  21. You have no users. Set it to no and see if that is what you are looking for.
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