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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Please do the following: Update to the latest UD (2021.12.08). Try to mount the device again. Post diagnostics and the contents of the file /var/state/unassigned.devices/share_names.json. I've added some information to the log message about the duplicate share name to help find this issue.
  2. For those of you with a loss of GUI on 6.9, update to the latest release - 2021.12.08.
  3. Have you tried only installing UD and no other plugins? Let's see if another plugin is causing UD a problem.
  4. So the mount point will change when you change it, but the disk will not mount?
  5. It all looks good. Yes, I consider this closed. The fix will be in the next release.
  6. You'll also notice the second partition now shows as a ntfs formatted partition. It didn't do that before. Can you post one more diagnostics so I can be sure UD is processing the disk information correctly and another copy of the unassigned.devices.ini? This is a long standing issue and had nothing to do with any recent changes in UD that I can see. What is happening is the third partition has no udev information and because UD sees it as part of the unassigned disk, UD was trying to get information from udev. udev was returning null information and UD didn't handle it well. The error was on the data, not in a php file. That's why I was struggling to find the problem.
  7. Do the following: Copy the attached lib.php file to /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php. Click on the double arrows in the upper right corner of the UD GUI. This will refresh udev. Type this at the command line: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/scripts/rc.unassigned mount auto Let me know if this takes care of the warning. lib.zip
  8. Give me the output of this command: cat /var/state/unassigned.devices/unassigned.devices.ini
  9. No. Just 'dev1'. The Unraid page is where you work with UD devices. Click on the help icon (question mark in the circle) in the upper right of the page. Do you know how to enable the help in Unraid?
  10. Yes. Go to the UD page and click on help. Scroll down and you'll see the rc.unassigned commands.
  11. Use the 'devX' designation. It does not change when rebooting. i.e. a device showing in UD as 'Dev 1' would be 'dev1' in your script. As you found out the sdX designations can change on reboot.
  12. Update to the latest version I released today and see if the issue is fixed. I have added the ability for some debug so we can continue to work on solving your issue.
  13. I'm not sure you copied the file. You have to unzip the file before copying.
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