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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Check your path assignments. Zoneminder seems to be finding a previous database.
  2. Wouldn't it be better to connect that USB disk to your Unraid server? CIFS is not the most robust way of accessing devices.
  3. Your remote server did not like the vers=2.1. What is your remote server? Is there anyway to update it to get SMB v3?
  4. UD mounted the remote share with SMB v1.0 because you have NetBIOS enabled on that server. Updates to UD take effect immediately, but any changes in device mounting will take effect only when a device is remounted - like when the server is rebooted. I have made some changes to the version used when remote SMB devices are mounted. I'll release an update this morning. Give it a try and see if it works when NetBIOS is disabled. SMB v1.0 should not be used because of security issues and we want 3.x or 2.x to be used.
  5. Are you using an external database? If not, you haven’t removed the /app data/zoneminder folder completely.
  6. Set the data path to '/mnt/zoneminderpool/data'.
  7. Remove the Docker container and delete the /appdata/Zoneminder folder and start over.
  8. As soon as you give me some feedback I can release a fix. I just want to be sure I'm doing the right fix.
  9. In the latest version the SMB version is specified specifically. i.e. 3.1.1 rather than 3.0, 2.1 rather than 2.0. It looks like your remote server doesn't support 3.1.1, or 2.1 as the version. Can you connect with the other PC and let me know what version of SMB it connects with?
  10. The Zoneminder cache folder won't show up as a share. You have another issue.
  11. UD depends on unique serial numbers for each device. Your external bay is presenting all disks with the same serial number.
  12. Zoneminder will create it's own folders in the /mnt/zoneminderpool folder. How does this conflict with Unraid that creates it's cache at /mnt/cache/?
  13. Based on what you are saying, it sounds like you have a dedicated disk for zoneminderpool. I would assign the disk as a Pool device named 'zoneminderpool'. Then refer to it as /mnt/zoneminderpool.
  14. All folders at /mnt/ are Unraid user shares , cache, or pool devices. You should should set the data path to /mnt/some share/zoneminderpool. e.g. /mnt/user/appdata/zoneminderpool.
  15. A Linux system should be able to read an encrypted disk. Encryption is based on luks that is not unique to Unraid.
  16. Yes, disk temperatures are shown when disks are spun up. Disk temperatures don't interfere with disk spin down.
  17. The recycle bin functionality is built into samba. The recycle bin plugin enables that functionality in samba and manages the settings for the samba recycle bin. I suspect a samba issue. Whenever you restart the recycle bin plugin or make a change to a setting, samba is restarted. I think this is why your issue clears up when you restart or make a change to the plugin. The best way to confirm this is to remove the recycle bin plugin and see if the issue clears up.
  18. The idea behind a separate topic is not to hide anything, but to keep the topic focused on your concerns so it does not get buried in all the postings here. You can currently opt out by not using the UPC to login. You do not have to sign in to use Unraid. It is not a requirement. I too share your concerns about cloud storage, that's why I use Unraid to store all my stuff. I don't put anything on the cloud. Removing the UPC is a quick 'elegant' solution to you. I get that. But, one of the concerns with your proposal to remove the UPC from the webGUI is that it is used for other purposes that is not tracking users in any way, For example to request a new license if your flash fails, or to allow secure remote access. If it is 'hidden' or enabled by a setting, it becomes cumbersome to a user to figure out how to enable and use it for things like requesting a license replacement. All that being said, if you'll start a new topic, we can discuss this further and give Limetech some ideas and the time to decide the best way to address your concerns and the valid concerns of those that choose to use the UPC.
  19. Don't mount the Data Path to /mnt/. /mnt/ is only for Unraid shares. It should be at /mnt/cache/, /mnt/appdata/, or a pool device..
  20. NFSv4 is enabled in this release and UD will now mount remote shares with NFSv4. Go to the UD settings and set the NFS version to NFSv4 and all UD mounted remote NFS shares will be mounted with NFSv4. You'll have to unmount and remount any remote NFS shares to get them mounted with v4.
  21. You have an incorrect mapping. Zoneminder doesn't create a 'cache' share. Post a screen shot of your mappings.
  22. That doesn’t sound right. Please explain further what you mean by a Zoneminder cache share.
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