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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. The most common problem with file activity not starting is not enough inotify watches. Look in your log and see if there is a log about not having enough. Several suggestions: Cut down on what you are monitoring. Don't include Unassigned Devices or Cache and Pool devices. Install the Tips and Tweaks plugin and increase the 'Max Watches'.
  2. The serial numbers for both drives are the same. UD has to have unique serial numbers: It doesn't matter that the sdX designations are different.
  3. UD tracks individual disks by the disk serial number. Each disk has to have a unique serial number. Your drive enclosure is probably presenting the complete enclosure with one serial number for all the drives. It doesn't matter that the drives have different sdX designations. UD doesn't track devices by the sdX designation, because they can change at each reboot.
  4. There were no UD changes that would affect that. Look in your syslog to see if there are any issues with that drive.
  5. The syslog is the log to check. The log on the right side of the device row is the log from the device script that you setup to run when the device is installed.
  6. This is generally because the remote server is not responding to a ping. The device ball and 'Mount' button will be gray when UD cannot successfully ping the remote server. If you hover your mouse over the device ball, it will say the remote share is offline. Remote shares do not count in the total number of devices allowed by your license.
  7. New release of UD. Notable changes: No one has reported it yet, but I have found that my Windows 10 share would not mount. The issue seems to be related to IPv6. The suggested solution is to turn off IPv6 on the Unraid server. I didn't feel that this was a good answer and implemented a fix so the Windows 10 share mounts using IPv4. Existing Windows shares will work as they are. The 'Format' button is enabled at all times and if Destructive Mode is not enabled, a dialog will remind the user to enable Destructive Mode. There has been confusion as to why the 'Format' button is grayed out. Because of some confusion about partitions on disk devices, the 'Show Partitions' switch will now default to enabled on new devices. This will show all partitions. You may see this on disks where it did not act this way before. Just go to the device Settings and turn off the 'Show Partitions' switch.
  8. I read through the German post about UD and think I owe you an explanation on why I have decided to do things differently than your suggestion. You commented that I was not receptive to your ideas. I am, but I have to consider all users and not just a few and the technical considerations. It is not a good idea to make changes just to accommodate a small group of users, at the expense of others. The following are the reasons your idea would be difficult: The '+' button shows partitions so you can manage them. Rename mount point by clicking on the existing mount point. The mount point becomes a browsing link when the partition is mounted. You can unmount/auto mount each partition individually. If the 'Mount' button was turned into a 'Partitions' button to show the partitions, how do you unmount the disk? If the '+ button is removed, the above functionality would be lost. I've made a change so the partitions are shown when a new disk is installed. It can then be turned off if desired by changing the device Settings. This gets you what you are looking for and does not cause issues with existing users. As for the 'Format' button not being enabled: The Destructive Mode was implemented so users don't accidentally format a disk. Accidental data loss would be an issue. Formatting a disk with UD requires a partitioning package that is installed with UD plus. Why install a package that is not required for all users and used only infrequently? There is a confirmation when formatting a disk. You have to enter 'Yes' to confirm the format. I have changed the 'Format' button to be enabled at all times and the following dialog shows if the Destructive Mode is not enabled: I think this is the best solution all things being considered. Before you consider me un-cooperative or dismissive, please take the time to understand my reasoning behind the decisions. I realize you feel that your ideas are the best, but I need to consider all aspects of any changes: How does it affect other users? Backwards compatibility? Is it in line with LT direction? Yes, I do coordinate closely with LT with any changes to UD. Minimize data loss. Consider any security issues.
  9. This is an issue for the first time users. Once they understand how it works, it shouldn't be an issue. This has been this way for a very long time and the old timers are used to it. I'm reluctant to make that kind of change. It will be confusing to the old timers. Probably the best solution is to set the show partitions to default 'On' when a new disk is installed. They can then set the 'Show Partitions' 'Off' to not show the partitions. This will help the new users, and old timers can just set it to 'Off' if they don't want to see the partitions.
  10. Browsers have a page translation capability. The Help text is translated: Zum Formatieren eines Datenträgers: Muss der Partitionierungs Modus aktiviert werden. Alle Partitionen müssen vom Datetnräger gelöscht sein. Datenträger auswerfen, auf die Seriennummer klicken und auf alle Symbole klicken um die Partitionen zu löschen. Wenn der Datenträger Precleared wurde und einen grauen 'Formatieren' Knopf anzeigt, auf das Symbol klicken, danach auf Symbol klicken um die Preclear-Status-Datei zu löschen. As far as displaying the Help text, that's really something they need to learn for Unraid in general as it applies everywhere. Sorry, what I meant is for UD to check all the conditions and make it clear to the user what needs to be done. I'm working on a solution that will display a dialog when then a user clicks the format button and a format can't be done. I agree, but a user has to take some responsibility to read and understand how a plugin works, especially UD with all it's capability. The reason for the destructive mode is to be sure users don't make a mistake and accidently delete data. We'd never hear the end of that if it was too easy to delete data. Defaulting this enabled is not in the best interest of all users. There is a Tool Tip shown when a user hovers their mouse over the '+'. It looks like it has not been translated. I'll look into why it hasn't.
  11. It's pretty clear in the first post in UD; To format a disk: Destructive Mode must be enabled. You will need to install the 'Unassigned Devices Plus' plugin to enable Destructive Mode. UD Plus will install the 'parted' package needed for formatting and deleting partitions. Disk must have all partitions removed. Unmount the disk, click on the '+' icon next to the serial number, and click on all red-X to delete partitions. If the disk has been precelared and shows a grayed 'Format' button, click on the '+' icon next to the disk serial number, then click on the red-X to delete the preclear status file. and in the Help: To format a disk: Destructive mode must be enabled. Disk must have all partitions removed. Unmount disk, click on the icon,, and click on all icons to delete partitions. If the disk has been precelared and shows a grayed 'Format' button, click on the icon, then click on the icon to delete the preclear status file. I guess it's too much to ask people to read. Because of the requirements to enable the 'Format' button, it is a challenge to let users know there is a problem. What I might look into is enabling the 'Format' button and then telling them what they need to do to format a disk if it's not already been done.
  12. That memory is not really used unless it is needed. You could probably just set 16GB and be fine.
  13. Probably. You should look into backing up your whole Zoneminder folder or at least the database once a day if you think this will be a regular occurrence. Then work on a recovery. I would look into the Zoneminder forum and see if there is an appropriate answer for backups. A simple way to do this is to stop the docker container, rsync the complete Zoneminder folder to a backup location, then restart the docker container. You could use the User Scripts plugin to accomplish this.
  14. It looks like a corrupted database. I would suggest you get some assistance on the Zoneminder forum.
  15. Is this a new installation or an existing installation that is now failing?
  16. Update the docker container. Go to docker tab, check for updates and then apply the update. Restarting the docker only updates Zoneminder, not the docker container.
  17. Update the Zoneminder container and try again.
  18. The recycle bin plugin will not recycle an empty file. Why bother?
  19. I would set the 'Update Recycle Bin Size in Background?' to 'Yes'. It refreshes the trash sizes and the share folders in the background. The log shows the deleted file, so it is working. There can sometimes be a slight delay in deleting a file and when it shows in the trash bin and local folders.
  20. I have applied a fix for this problem.
  21. I don't see anything wrong. I tried and it installed for me. Try this: Uninstall the recycle bin plugin. Delete the /flash/config/plugins/recycle.bin/ folder. Re-install the recycle.bin plugin.
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