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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. No, I added the noatime and nodiratime to the latest UD release, so I'm pretty sure that is the issue. Are you running the latest UD version?
  2. The noatime and nodiratime were the only changes to the NFS mount. Looks like they cause a problem on your remote server. Did it mount on the previous version of UD without any problems?
  3. Use a Linux line editor and change the file at /appdata/config/www/owncloud/config/config.php. That's the file the server uses.
  4. I can't figure out why you are having the problem. Your disk is designated /dev/sdab, which was an issue until the latest release of UD where I applied a fix for four letter disk designations. I have done some testing to verify that the /dev/sdab is parsed correctly. Is there any chance you can reformat the disk? The commands to open an encrypted disk and change the UUID at the command line can be daunting.
  5. Not true. It is being considered and will be implemented in due time. There will be some testing I will need to do to be sure it doesn't break UD remote shares. I'm sure you'd like us to be sure it doesn't cause any major issues. The stale file handle issue has been around a long time with no clear answer and we want to see if it can eventually solve the stale file handle problem.
  6. Click on the check mark next to the partition mountpoint and see if the disk has issues. I just tried on an encrypted disk and it worked for me.
  7. I think the problem is the password/passphrase not working. It's trying to use the Unraid password. Go to the UD settings page and set the password there for the disk. UD will then use that password to open the disk for the UUID change. You should then be able to change the UUID.
  8. Because it is an encrypted disk, it has to be opened with cryptsetup. That command won't work at the command line. I see an issue with the luksOpen. Let me take a look.
  9. That's a LMS log, and not the container log. Probably best to get support from the LMS developers.
  10. Install the Unassigned Devices plugin and set up a script to run when the drive is hot plugged.
  11. Click on the check mark next to the mountpoint and see if the disk can be repaired. Looks like it may be a disk issue.
  12. This has nothing to do with your issue. The spin down timer was being applied for older versions of Unraid and didn't apply to 6.10. Unraid overwrites the timer when it takes over the spin up/down. This is the screen shot I was asking for: Also post your diagnostics for me to have a look.
  13. Make sure you have the latest version of UD. The previous version had an issue with changing the UUID. I wanted a screen shot of the disk on the actual UD page, not the UD settings page.
  14. Look at the help on the UD page for commands to mount/unmount a disk. You could set up User Scripts on a schedule to mount and unmount the disk. You'd need one scheduled script for mount, and another for unmount.
  15. Edit the container template and click the 'Show more settings'. Confirm that the mapping makes sense for the config folder.
  16. Yes, it should work this way. Be sure to properly shut it down in Windows and Unraid to prevent these kinds of issues.
  17. If you're talking about the container log, you can control log rotation on the Settings->Docker settings page. Turn on Advanced view, stop Docker, the enable log rotation. You can also set the size of the logs and the number of logs to maintain.
  18. I stopped these messages by setting "Enable Router Advertisement" to disabled in my ASUS router. There is an issue with the syslog filtering setup in rsyslog.conf. I solved the issue with the Enhanced Log plugin so it will work properly. Install the plugin and then set up the syslog filter to what you want with the plugin.
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