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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. I don't know enough about the crusader docker to be able to help. Hopefully someone else can chime in here and offer some assistance.
  2. The issue was related to how blank credentials were formed for the mount line. Originally the blank user and password were quoted with a '. That created errors when mounting. That bug was fixed, but there is nothing to fix this time because that bug was fixed and is not your issue this time. This was your error last time. It's not the same issue.
  3. That was a fix for your issue last time, but your problem is different this time.
  4. Once Zoneminder 1.33 is stable I will look at upgrading.
  5. UD will not randomly mount a device. If you used the devices in UD and did not remove their configuration when you moved them to another purpose, there is a chance the disk would be auto-mounted. That would take operator action or a reboot though.
  6. The share credentials aren't your problem. May 21 09:30:43 TowerII unassigned.devices: Mount SMB/NFS command: mount -t cifs -o rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,_netdev,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,sec=ntlm,vers=1.0,username=xxx=******* '//TOWER/BackUp ISO' '/mnt/disks/TOWER_BackUp_ISO' May 21 09:30:43 TowerII unassigned.devices: Mount of '//TOWER/BackUp ISO' failed. Error message: mount error(111): could not connect to error(111): could not connect to to find suitable address. The IP address does not look right. Check the TOWER IP address.
  7. Actually, he did not do as I asked, but what he did should still work to display the shares. When trying to mount a Windows computer share, you actually have to enter the login credentials or the shares won't be shown.
  8. I don't know what Goodsync is. Can you browse the shares with a Windows computer? Do you have any Windows computers on your network?
  9. Hidden shares will show up in the list of shares. It looks like the share name either not entered or blanks is not being handled very well. EDIT: I stand corrected. Hidden shares don't show.
  10. That's what is confusing to me. I don't understand exactly what he is doing. I believe he may be overthinking it and trying to do everything manually. If he can't enter the IP address and get a share listing, his server is not being seen by unRaid.
  11. It looks like you have a problem with your server IP address. Be sure the server is available on the same sub-net and the shares are set for SMB sharing. Only enter the IP address as ''. Nothing else. You should be able to enter the IP address and then click 'Load Shares' and the list of shares will show. If not, unRaid cannot see the server.
  12. Log snippets are not very useful. Please post diagnostics. Tools->Diagnostics.
  13. Set up the share using the ip address, share name and credentials. The try to mount it. After that post diagnostics.
  14. What happens when you click on the 'SEARCH FOR SERVERS' button? Does it find your servers? Domain is for a server on a Domain. Typically a Windows server.
  15. The .Recycle.Bin folder is no longer removed when the trash is emptied.
  16. I don't think that will be a problem, depending on how sonarr works with it.
  17. There have been more changes to the zmeventnotification.ini file. You should use the default ini file and add any custom settings for you configuration.
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