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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. I've built a docker that installs Zoneminder 1.35 from the master repository. The repository contains snap shot builds while 1.35 is in development. Don't install this docker in a production environment. It is for testing. I will only offer support for the docker properly installing the hook files. I've been working with the Zoneminder event server developer to properly install the event server and the machine learning modules (hook processing). This docker installs all the files needed for hook processing. All you need to do is to configure Zoneminder and hook processing using the ini files. You can install this docker using the existing Zoneminder docker template. Change the repository to dlandon/zoneminder.master. Remove the 1.34 Zoneminder docker and then install the master docker. Remove the appdata/Zoneminder/hook folder and let the docker set up the files for you. What I am really interested in is someone to install this version and verify that the event server and hook processing is working properly and all modules are installed and working properly. Upgrading to ES 6. The Event Server version 6 has implemented many changes to the objectconfig.ini of the hook processing. Upgrading the docker will fix the ZmNinja version incompatibility problem, but the hook processing will not work until you update the objectconfig.ini file. There are two ways to do this. The easiest way is to get into the docker command line and do the following commands: cd /config/hook ./config_upgrade.sh You will see a message about new configuration parameters and ones that can be removed. You will need to edit the file and make adjustments for your particular needs. The second method is to copy the objectconfig.ini.default script to objectconfig.ini and then edit the script for your particular needs.
  2. The last few days have been whirlwind. There have been a lot of changes in regards to the zmnotification server and the hook processing. I have been working with the Zoneminder developers to get the docker easier to set up. You will find the hook processing much easier to set up now. It should be just a matter of configuration.
  3. A new docker has been released that will now download and install the yolo and tiny yolo files for hook processing. Two new environment variables have been added to the template where you can set them to download and install the hook models. The new template is available in CA. I would suggest getting the new template from CA and set the variables to your preference. The new docker should be built in about 30 minutes,
  4. Another set of great videos. Because of the concern of a plain text 'keyfile' being left on the server, Unraid 6.8 will remove the '/root/keyfile' once the array has started. I have made a change to UD so it will work with the new keyfile handling, but it will also work with previous versions of Unraid. The methods you describe in the videos should still work fine because UD looks for the '/root/keyfile' first and then if not found will use the built in command to mount the disk using the array pass phrase Unraid has stored.
  5. Next time take a look at the log and see if it will tell you if there is a problem - It will. Just posting that it doesn't work is not very productive and a waste of everyone's time.
  6. Your issue is stated in the log. Read the whole log entry. Sep 7 12:37:50 CasterlyRock unassigned.devices: Mount error: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0). Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount. Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting.) The Windows system is hibernated on the disk, or the disk is set for fast restart. You cannot write to the disk with it in this condition. Windows must be shut down completely before you can write to the disk.
  7. Your best bet is to post your issue on the Zoneminder forum.
  8. I just checked and it works fine for me. It's something about your docker accessing the internet.
  9. Your server cannot access the update servers. Check your internet connection.
  10. Set up an isos share on the array and move the UD isos folder to the array.
  11. Please don’t post the same issue twice. This discussion belongs in the UD forum where it is already being discussed.
  12. There is really nothing to restart on UD. UD is a GUI to manage devices outside the array. Mounting and unmounting. The issue is that UD is hanging on a command to query the disk for the disk status information. Disk size, used space, temperature, open files, etc. I’ve added time outs wherever I thought that the disk commands would hang. It’s possible there are some commands I missed. The issue is more with the disk than UD. Please do as asked previously and post diagnostics so I can try to find the problem. Your shutdown issue could be from the unassigned disk or other things. if you have the preclear plugin installed, please remove it for diagnosing this issue.
  13. A snipet of a log is not very helpful. Post the diagnostics. Tools->Diagnostics.
  14. Unraid does not have support for ZFS built in and it is not appropriate to add support for ZFS based on a plugin.
  15. https://owncloud.org/download/ Follow the instructions and you'll be in the right place. It's not in a php file. You can do that, or disable them - Settings->Apps.
  16. I don't think so. I looked at your diagnostics and see nothing that could be a problem. Why don't you stop all your other dockers and try to install Zoneminder by itself?
  17. Remove the appdata/Zoneminder folder and re-install with the default settings. Don't install hook processing until the docker is up and running. Also post your diagnostics.
  18. Looks like an issue with the Ubuntu update and/or update server(s). Either force a docker image update, or remove the docker image and re-install.
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