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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. There are several things that need tweaking for the Azure and Gray themes. The "Complete" toggle, refresh, download log, and log icons are scrunched together. I'm working on it.
  2. I've built a new docker version that enables the redis server. This can be used to speed up transactional file locking by using redis instead of the the database for locks. You do not have to use it. Once you've updated to the newest docker, change your /config/www/owncloud/config/config.php file and add the following: 'filelocking.enabled' => true, 'memcache.locking' => '\OC\Memcache\Redis', 'redis' => array ( 'host' => '/var/run/redis/redis.sock', 'port' => 0, 'timeout' => 0.0, ), right after this line: 'memcache.local' => '\OC\Memcache\APCu', This should speed up thumbnail displays if you have a lot of media.
  3. Manual update is the recommended way to update an existing ownCloud installation. Disable apps - Calendar, Contacts, and any add on apps - Settings->Apps. Access the ownCloud Docker 'docker exec -it ownCloud bash'. Install nano 'apt-get install nano'. Put ownCloud in maintenance mode by editing 'nano /config/www/owncloud/config/config.php'. Stop ownCloud docker from the unRAID Docker UI. Get into the unRAID command line. Change directory to 'cd /mnt/user/appdata/ownCloud/www'. Move the existing owncloud version 'mv ./owncloud ./owncloud-old'. Download and unzip the owncloud update from here. Copy update using a PC to \appdata\ownCloud\www\. Go back to the Unraid command line. Copy external apps 'cp -R /mnt/user/appdata/ownCloud/www/owncloud-old/apps-external/ /mnt/user/appdata/ownCloud/www/owncloud/apps-external/'. Change ownership 'chown nobody:users owncloud'. Copy the old version of config.php 'cp /mnt/user/appdata/ownCloud/www/owncloud-old/config/config.ph /mnt/user/appdata/ownCloud/www/owncloud/config/config.php'. Start owncloud docker from unRAID Docker UI. Access the ownCloud Docker 'docker exec -it ownCloud bash'. Change directory to new owncloud version 'cd /config/www/owncloud'. Change occ to executable 'chmod +x occ'' Execute upgrade: 'sudo -u abc ./occ upgrade'. Change permissions on owncloud 'chmod 755 /config/www/owncloud'. Take ownCloud out of maintenance mode by editing 'nano /config/www/owncloud/config/config.php'. Re-enable apps - Calendar, Contacts, and any add on apps.
  4. I have cloned and updated the linuxservio.io beta ownCloud docker. I have been using it for over a year and it works very well. I know that NextCloud is the in thing, but I am committed to ownCloud in my business and have over 200GB of media, calendars, contacts, and tasks on ownCloud. I do not want to invest time and take the risk trying to move to NextCloud. The thing I really like about this docker is that mariadb is installed in the docker so a separate docker for the database is not required. I also found other implementations of ownCloud dockers were lacking when it comes to updating ownCloud. ownCloud cannot be downgraded, so one has to be careful to always go forward, and not backwards. If a person manually updated ownCloud and then had to reinstall with the original docker, the manual upgrade got written over in other implementations. This docker prevents that situation because the ownCloud version is persistent in the appdata/owncloud folder. Anyway, the docker is available to install from CA. If you have the linuxserver.io docker installed, this is a drop in replacement for that docker. Be sure to back up your data before installing this docker. To replace the linuxserver.io ownCloud docker, remove that docker and then install this new docker from CA. Be sure to change any custom settings you made to the original docker template. Installing ownCloud from scratch will install the latest version (Currently 10.5.0 - called ownCloud X). If you've already installed the docker, your current ownCloud version will not be changed. To install the docker from scratch: Install docker and then go to the WebUI. Enter an administration user and password. Change the data folder to /data. Because the database is built into the container, the database host is localhost. The database user and the database itself are both 'owncloud'. If you do not change the default DB_PASS variable, the default database password is 'owncloud'. Once in the ownCloud WebUI, go to 'Settings->General' and click the 'Cron' method for the cron.php task. A cron to perform this is built into the docker. If you use your own certificate keys name them cert.key and cert.crt, and place them in config/keys folder. ownCloud can be updated from the WebUI, but it requires a certificate that is not self-signed and some other requirements that will be difficult for a self hosted server. I will post some manual update instructions so ownCloud can be updated and be persistent. I will be working on updates that can be done by updating the docker, but I have to put some time into how to do that without breaking things. I recommend you install some security apps for better security: OAuth2 - This app is for remote access to the ownCloud server and uses tokens rather than passwords to log into the server. Passwords are not stored locally by any clients or third party apps. Brute-Force Protection - Offers brute force login protection. Password Policy - Allows you to set password complexity rules.
  5. Look at the first post and there are links to the Zoneminder documentation and the forum. You should be able to get an answer there on setting up PTZ.
  6. It appears that you have abandoned the ownCloud docker completely. It is still marked as beta and is not listed in the first posting as a supported docker. I know you are pushing NextCloud as the latest and greatest, but I am committed to ownCloud and use it in my daily business. I like the docker you've built, because it includes mariadb and do not want to invest the time to convert to NextCloud. Is there any plan to support the ownCloud docker? I would be happy to create a separate support thread if @sparklyballs would care to refresh the docker and mark it out of beta. If there is no interest in that, I will fork the ownCloud docker and create my own. I prefer not to do this, but I need this docker to work and be supported. I do not want to convert to NextCloud. For me this is business and not just playing around with a cloud server for personal use.
  7. That's not the latest version. You are probably going to have to hard reboot. Once you are back up and running, be sure to update all plugins.
  8. Do you have the latest UD plugin version installed? This problem was worked on some time ago.
  9. UD can mount ext4 disks. I don't know what openmediavault is so I don't know how the data is written. UD can mount disks recognized by unRAID and Linux.
  10. Great Video! You nailed the VM provisioning. I actually picked up some tips for Windows from this video. I especially like the Windows 10 'Phone Home' removal software. This is the kind of tool to help the new unRAID user. Great job! Looking forward to chapter 2.
  11. I just now noticed the '+' sign next to the permissions. This means you have extended permissions on these folders. From what I understand this is additional to the Linux permissions. I am not enough of a Linux guru to understand what that means, but I suspect that is your issue. What did you do to set the extended permissions? Did you set some extended permissions with Windows? Maybe a Linux expert can chime in here.
  12. Go into the docker again and do this command: ls -l /var/cache/zoneminder Show the results. See if the owner was changed. The issue is with the ownership of the folder, not the permissions as I said earlier. I think you have an issue with the permissions and/or ownership on your appdata share. Do you have any other dockers running? Any issues with them?
  13. They are in the docker template right below the WebUi port. If those are correct, go back into the docker using: docker exec -i -t Zoneminder bash And execute this command: chown -R root:www-data /var/cache/zoneminder This should fix the permissions and eliminate the errors. Let me know if that works.
  14. I see a issue with the way the docker has set up permissions, but it is not the issue you have. Be sure you have set PUID = 99, and PGID = 100. It looks like you have them set wrong.
  15. You can go to the first post and click on the link to the Zoneminder forum and see if there is an answer there. You may want to post your issue there and see if you get an answer. I am not an expert on camera setup in Zoneminder or how it works.
  16. Go to a bash session in the docker using: docker exec -i -t Zoneminder bash Then execute this command: ls -l /usr/share/zoneminder/www Post the results from that. then this command: ls -l /var/cache/zoneminder/ Post the results from that.
  17. All of that is correct. Let me do some research and get back to you on the next step.
  18. The /usr/share/zoneminder is inside the docker. It is not user configurable. There are some symlinks in that folder to the appdata folder. I suspect that your appdata folder has an issue and the symlinks won't work. Go to a command line and enter this command: ls -l /mnt/user/appdata/Zoneminder/ Show the output.
  19. I don't understand what the delay is that you are talking about. Delay where?
  20. Did you change any of the default settings? Is your docker.img full? Set the advanced switch to on and be sure to delete any orphaned docker images.
  21. Yes. They are correct. Delete the docker and the 'appdata/Zoneminder' folder and start over. The defaults should work just fine.
  22. I have no experience with Blue Iris. You probably need to set zones for motion detection. Don't try to detect motion at a high frame rate. I recommend setting the camera frame rate to something like 10-15 FPS (or lower) and leave the 'Analysis FPS' blank. The 'Analysis FPS' will then be the camea FPS. Set the 'Maximum FPS' and 'Alarm Maximum FPS' slightly higher about 5 FPS higher that the camera FPS.
  23. Use the default settings. Your path '/usr/share/appdata/zoneminder/www/' does not make sense and doesn't exist. The default settings are: Appdata Config Path: /mnt/user/cache/appdata/Zoneminder Data path: /mnt/user/cache/appdata/Zoneminder/data Use these settings. If you don't have a cache drive, use /mnt/user/appdata...
  24. I was referring to the Original Post, but will be clearer in the future.
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