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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Perfect thanks! If I only have 1 drive right now, can I add it in and then add a parity drive later on? Is it as simple as just adding another drive and "formatting" it as the parity drive?
  2. I don't have the USB key. I just have e-mail that states: Attached to this email is your unRAID Server Plus registration key. The USB Flash device to which this key is bound is: ***I have the attachment, which is a "Plus.key" file.
  3. I used to have a running UnRaid server years ago and haven't used it for over 5 years. I want to run a completely new UnRaid server (all new hardware). How do I go about getting it setup? I got my original key in 2011. I guess I was asked for the GUID of my USB key so they could give me the registration key? Looking at some tutorials I'm guessing it's more automated then it was 10 years ago, so what steps can I take? Thanks!
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