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  1. The solution posted in https://github.com/Tautulli/Tautulli/issues/2183#issuecomment-1783969324 worked for me if you're comfortable with running commands on a sqlite database.
  2. As an update to this, after much hair-tearing and swapping of cables and waiting for the issue to re-appear I finally decided to replace the PSU on a suspicion after reading some other forum threads. Upgraded to a newer beefier PSU and it looks like the errors have disappeared now, but still have my fingers crossed they won't reappear in the near future. Not sure if my PSU was faulty or I had too many drives on each cable but it turned out to be the culprit.
  3. Ah thanks, that makes sense. I've figured out the new myunraid.net URL now. I think the link on https://forums.unraid.net/my-servers/ was throwing me off because I'm fairly sure it used to point to hash.unraid.net but now is pointing to blackbox.local for some reason. I'm not sure what's going on there but everything else is working now, thank you for the help.
  4. @ljm42 Thanks, I missed that a new domain was being used. I've added that to my router exceptions for DNS rebinding and the message about DNS rebinding has now disappeared from the Management Access page, but I'm still seeing the same issue after restarting the server again. It still looks like it's still serving the blackbox.local cert for some reason rather than the LE cert.
  5. Hi there, Recently my browser has started showing an invalid certificate warning when I navigate to <myserverhash>.unraid.net. Clicking on the cert details in the browser shows the cert is signed by <servername>.local despite Unraid showing a cert from LE in my Management Access settings. I've tried the steps described in with no luck, even rebooting my server. Strangely the Management Access page says `DNS Rebinding Protection is ENABLED` but I'd disabled that years ago on my router and nothing has been changed on the router in months. Doing a nslookup from my network resolves the <myserverhash>.unraid.net URL without issue so I don't think there is a DNS rebinding issue, but I'm at a loss as to why I can no longer access my server securely without a warning. Additionally if I leave SSL/TLS access on and ignore the cert warnings I can not see my array (just blank rows), cannot open a web terminal (the opened window either 504s or briefly opens and then closes), or even download diagnostics (it seems to hang immeadiately) so the server is in a pretty broken state. Thanks in advance for any help! blackbox-diagnostics-20220824-1255.zip
  6. Thanks, I'll try to change out the cable again at some point.
  7. After several attempts I managed to get an extended SMART test to complete, and it did so without any errors. So now I'm at a loss as to what the issue is. Faulty SATA connector on the drive? blackbox-smart-20220803-1226.zip
  8. Unfortunately I cannot get an extended SMART test to complete. It seems to get aborted early with a `Aborted by host` message, and I'm not sure why. I have the spin down delay set to `Never` on that drive so it's not being spun down.
  9. Thanks both, I'll run the extended SMART test and see what comes out.
  10. For the last couple of months I've had a disk in my array that sometimes produces errors like the ones below: Aug 1 08:16:50 Blackbox kernel: ata6: hard resetting link Aug 1 08:16:56 Blackbox kernel: ata6: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Aug 1 08:17:00 Blackbox kernel: ata6: COMRESET failed (errno=-16) Aug 1 08:17:00 Blackbox kernel: ata6: hard resetting link Aug 1 08:17:01 Blackbox kernel: ata6: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps (SStatus 113 SControl 310) Aug 1 08:17:01 Blackbox kernel: ata6.00: configured for UDMA/133 Aug 1 08:17:01 Blackbox kernel: ata6: EH complete Aug 1 08:54:37 Blackbox kernel: ata6.00: exception Emask 0x50 SAct 0x40000 SErr 0x4890800 action 0xe frozen Aug 1 08:54:37 Blackbox kernel: ata6.00: irq_stat 0x0c400040, interface fatal error, connection status changed Aug 1 08:54:37 Blackbox kernel: ata6: SError: { HostInt PHYRdyChg 10B8B LinkSeq DevExch } Aug 1 08:54:37 Blackbox kernel: ata6.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED Aug 1 08:54:37 Blackbox kernel: ata6.00: cmd 60/00:90:70:bc:bb/04:00:8c:00:00/40 tag 18 ncq dma 524288 in Aug 1 08:54:37 Blackbox kernel: ata6.00: status: { DRDY } Aug 1 08:54:37 Blackbox kernel: ata6: hard resetting link Aug 1 08:54:43 Blackbox kernel: ata6: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Aug 1 08:54:47 Blackbox kernel: ata6: COMRESET failed (errno=-16) Aug 1 08:54:47 Blackbox kernel: ata6: hard resetting link Initially I put it down to an issue with the motherboard, cables, or power supply but I've since swapped cables and also moved the drive to another motherboard SATA port without any success. This is now causing some parity check errors, and I think the drive is at fault even if SMART is saying the drive is fine. Should I be replacing this drive now or is there something else I can try? Thanks in advance for any help. blackbox-diagnostics-20220801-1600.zip blackbox-smart-20220801-1613.zip
  11. Fantastic, thanks for the quick fix!
  12. Not sure if this has been reported before but I'm seeing these errors whenever my mover runs Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: mvlogger: Pool /mnt/cache is above 'move all' percentage, moving all cache-yes shares to array Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: mvlogger: Not in Test mode Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: mvlogger: Complete Mover Command: find /mnt/cache/TV Shows -depth | /usr/local/sbin/move -d 1 Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: find: '/mnt/cache/TV': No such file or directory Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: find: 'Shows': No such file or directory Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: mvlogger: Done checking Move All from Share Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: mvlogger: Share Name Only: TV Shows Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: mvlogger: Cache Pool Name: Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: mvlogger: No shareCachePool entry found in config file, defaulting to cache Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: mvlogger: cache Threshold Pct: Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: mvlogger: OVERALL Threshold: 0 Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: mvlogger: Share Path: /mnt/cache/TV Shows Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: mvlogger: Pool Pct Used: 79 % Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: mvlogger: DFTPCT LIMIT USED FOR SETTING: 0 Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: mvlogger: Threshold Used: 0 Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: mvlogger: Adding Age Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: mvlogger: Age 7 Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: mvlogger: Skipfiletypes string: find "/mnt/cache/TV Shows" -depth -mtime +6 Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: mvlogger: Not in Test mode Apr 12 06:00:01 Blackbox root: mvlogger: Complete Mover Command: find "/mnt/cache/TV Shows" -depth -mtime +6 | /usr/local/sbin/move -d 1 It looks like the space in my `TV Shows` share is causing issues with the path. I'm not sure if that's a bug in the original mover script or this plugin.
  13. I'm going to be using ddrescue. I think I've got it running now. Thanks again for the help.
  14. @JorgeB I have moved over both source and destination drives to onboard SATA, but I'm a little confused on how to proceed. Your guide says the drives shouldn't be mounted, but how do I access them through the CLI without them being mounted? They do not show up under `/dev/mnt/` (which is to be expected). I've installed the Unassigned Devices plugin but wary of proceeding with formatting the destination drive so it can be formatted, and then I'd have to mount them anyway? Would appreciate any guidance. Thanks in advance. Edit: For further clarification, this is what I see under `/dev`
  15. Thanks, that's good advice. I'll give this a whirl this weekend and see it how it goes. Thanks for your help and for your guide!
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