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Everything posted by Orpheus123

  1. I just went through this process to upgrade from LTS (5.6) to 5.14 and wanted to share my experience. One gotcha I ran into is that 5.10.24 supports device firmware 4.0.9 or later only. My APs (a mix of AP-AC-LR and AP-AC-Pro) were all on firmware 3.9.xxx. After upgrading the container to 5.10, the controller was unable to show any information about these APs. Even worse, 5.10 is unable to upgrade 3.9 devices, and it migrates the Unifi database in appdata to a new format. So you can't update the firmware or roll back easily to 5.6. I could have updated the firmware on my AP's by SSH into each AP, but I didn't want to risk running into any more gotchas and problems from Ubiquity. I had made a backup of my appdata before moving to 5.10 and I restored it. It is the first time I have ever needed to restore the appdata in many years of running unRAID, but I am very appreciative of the developers of Community Applications Backup / Restore Appdata plugin. After restoring the original appdata, I changed the container back to 5.6 and used the 5.6 controller to upgrde the device firmware on the APs. I was not sure what firmware version was best to move to on the APs. I went with 4.0.80 based on several comments in Ubiquity forums, but many also seem to like 4.3.20. Might need to revisit this again. Once the firmware was updated, the migration to 5.10 and then to 5.14 went smoothly, and the APs appear to be working well.
  2. Updated to the new version of the container and the errors are gone. Successfully ran my first scan. Thanks for the fix.
  3. Thanks for the quick response. I will try the commands after work tonight.
  4. Just installed and encountered the same errors. Are there some settings to change in the docker? Other suggestions to debug?
  5. Thanks for posting this. I had the same issue. In the old docker, I was running Unifi Controller version 5.6.40. Before upgrading to the new docker, I backed up my appdata and also downloaded a backup of the controller settings from Settings/Maintenance in the Unifi Controller. When I installed the LTS branch of the new docker, it installed Unifi Controller version 5.6.42. I followed the directions at the beginning of the thread and used the old appdata folder. All the APs connected and were working, but nothing was shown in the client list. I tried restoring the backup of the 5.6.40 settings in the 5.6.42 controller, but that did not fix the missing client list and now the UI incorrectly showed the APs as disabled (even though they were still working). So, I installed the new docker again, this time choosing the 5.9 branch and created a brand new appdata folder. Then, I restored the backup of my 5.6.40 controller settings. The APs and client list are now working and shown correctly in the UI.
  6. First of all, thank you to the OP and other posters for the hard work on this thread. I need to setup a Lenovo ThinkServer TS440 for unRAID. It has a Raid 500 card which is a rebranded LSI 9240-8i using the LSI SAS2008 chipset. I need to flash it to IT mode. A few questions: 1. Is the zip file for SAS2008 on the first page still current? 2. Do I use the P7 version of the firmware from the zip file (because the card is re-branded) or the latest 9211 firmware from LSI? P19 seems to be the latest. 3. I am concerned about getting the PAL error because I don't think the TS440 has a boot to EFI shell option. What is the easiest solution? Put the card into another motherboard to do the flash? Any other advice would be appreciated. It is my first time doing this.
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