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Everything posted by techywarrior

  1. Ok, don't worry about it. I just created an account on the Windows server with a username and password. That seemed easier. lol
  2. Thanks Squid, so cifs is like the same as smbfs? What if it's a guest share, there is no username and password but when I tried your suggestion it gives me a permission denied error if I leave out username and password.
  3. I need to mount a Windows share in unRAID but I am not sure how to do that. I looked it up and found the command but I get an unknown filesystem error for smbfs I am guessing that I need to install something first. Can anyone help me with what to install, and how?
  4. Esse, MB can be a little overwhelming at first. They are trying to simplify and add tutorials/tours to the program itself to help guide first time users. I'd suggest reading over the tutorials on the MB forum and ask any questions you have over there. UMS is very different from MB and Plex in that it only really does a small piece of what those software programs do. Perhaps you don't need everything that MB does but I think that once you get it configured you may see that it is very powerful, and getting better every release.
  5. Thanks Phaze. I've sent you a PM with all the logs that could be useful (I think).
  6. I used Phaze's plugin update function to upgrade a running install, and everything is working fine. I'm still on 6b6 though, maybe the unraid version has something to do with it? I am on 5.0.5 and the plugin for unRAID 5 and 6 are different (although I don't know if the dependency list is any different). I'm beginning to suspect that it may have something to do with a particular MB plugin but none of them have updated and all run fine with the last version of MB. "something" is going on but I think it is going to take Phaze and Luke together to find out what that is. Hopefully in the future this will be less of an issue because we are now at least able to run the beta versions of MB from Phaze's plugin so issues like this can be caught before the wider release is pushed.
  7. Phaze, yea, it's weird that not everyone is effected. That person I replied to a few posts up obviously installed it fine as well. Both of you did clean installations so maybe it's something that's changed but only effects updates? I'm really shooting in the dark here so I could be completely wrong. For now I modified the plg file to force it to install the previous version but unfortunately I am the developer of the MB Chrome extension and people reported there is an issue with the new version of the server and my plugin that needs to be looked at and I can't even develop at the moment (not to mention the new version of the server fixes the live tv for unRAID/Linux with some additional roundabout stuff). I think that a lot of the stuff that was fluid before has now been standardized. When you started the plugin I think this was really the first real *nix package. Now there is unRAID, FreeNAS, and a few others so I am sure he isn't making changes to how the packages are built anymore. If you can get some free time I would appreciate if you can work with Luke to get the unRAID MB plugin working again. I'll also be available to test any scripts you want.
  8. You are best off going to the Media Browser forums and looking at the Knowledgebase. http://mediabrowser.tv/community Once you have installed Media Browser the rest of the configuration is handled via it's web interface. Phaze, I updated the plugin yesterday and installed the latest stable release of Media Browser but it crashes immediately on startup. Luke has said that some things have changed recently but he wasn't sure if you incorporated them or not since you didn't respond on the MB forum. Esse seems to have installed it fine so not actually sure if the issue is with the unRAID plugin or some dependency (maybe related to a MB plugin even since it doesn't effect everyone). Also, it's nice to have the "use beta" option now but shouldn't it be more of an option for "release level" and then it would have dev/beta/release as the options?
  9. PhAzE, I was wondering if you were still working on the update for Media Browser so that different release levels could be selected (dev, beta, release). Wasn't sure if it was best to check here on the MB forum (so I did both ) hope you don't mind.
  10. I have Media Browser running on my unRAID server (thanks to PhaZe) and one of it's plugins creates fancy images and cover art effects for the movie posters.. and one of them writes text onto the image. It requires a couple of fonts that are common on Windows but aren't in unRAID (which is no surprise considering what unRAID is built for) But if I can add the fonts then I can have everything
  11. One of the plugins I am using requires a couple of TTF fonts that aren't default. Is it possible to install the fonts in unRAID? If so, how do I do that? And do I need to update the go file to reinstall each time?
  12. I guess we should just let Phaze fix it. Not sure what I did differently but I got it to install. Playing around with it to see how well it works, giving it a shake before I transfer my MBS server to the unRAID server full time.
  13. I replaced the URL in the config file with the Github Repo URL, saved the file and then tried to install again it worked. So I think it's just that the repo url is wrong and should instead be: https://github.com/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser Or download the zip file from https://github.com/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser.Resources/tree/master/Releases/Server Or wait for Phaze to fix the plugin because I am not 100% sure I am using the correct URL.
  14. I'm not sure but in the mb3server.conf file there is a reference to a repo at https://www.dropbox.com/s/07hh1g4x9xo28jb and that URL gives me a 404 page when I try it in a browser.
  15. I am trying to setup the MB3 plugin on 5.05 and everything seemed to go well at first but not it fails with no reason given. I downloaded the plg file and "installed" that. So all the dependencies were downloaded and I see the plugin in unRAID Settings. When I go to it it says Status: Not Installed. When I click on the install button it quickly says "installing latest version of media browser" then immediately says "installation failed". The screen refreshes right after that but I didn't see any other text with a reason. I left the install directory as the default and only changed the config directory.
  16. Yes, this is what I want to do. The question was how? (what are the correct commands to use to not F it up)
  17. I would like to add a non-array drive to my server to use for some plugins but I am having trouble with multiple partitions. For some reason the drive I pulled from an old Windows server is showing up as having 3 partitions. I don't have the option to reformat the drive in unMenu. How can I repartition and then reformat the drive at the console so I just have one large drive? Once done how do I set it to auto mount on reboot? (and give it a name to make it easier to track)
  18. I just setup unRAID on an H97 ASRock H97M and the onboard Intel NIC doesn't seem to be recognized. So you may want to take that into consideration. ...also.. if anyone can help me... Is there anything I can do other then add in a NIC and/or wait for unRAID to support the NIC in the H97 chipset?
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