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Posts posted by Ryland

  1. It's /boot/logs/unbalance.log


    I think this is the problem:

    I: 2016/05/22 18:25:32 core.go:780: cmd(rsync -avX --partial "/mnt/disk2/TVShows/NCIS/NCIS 04x17 - Skeletons.avi" "/mnt/disk3/TVShows/NCIS")


    The rsync is copying the file to "/mnt/disk3/TVShows/NCIS" which is a file and not and not "/mnt/disk3/TVShows/NCIS/" which would be the directory.


    You're right  :o


    One question ... what did you specify as folders in settings ... just TVShows or TVShows/NCIS ?


    I selected TVShows/NCIS

  2. It's /boot/logs/unbalance.log


    I think this is the problem:

    I: 2016/05/22 18:25:32 core.go:780: cmd(rsync -avX --partial "/mnt/disk2/TVShows/NCIS/NCIS 04x17 - Skeletons.avi" "/mnt/disk3/TVShows/NCIS")


    The rsync is copying the file to "/mnt/disk3/TVShows/NCIS" which is a file and not and not "/mnt/disk3/TVShows/NCIS/" which would be the directory.

  3. Hi Ryland, did you change any rsync params ? Is the log showing anything unusual ?


    No I didnt change any parameters from the defaults.  Where is the unbalance log file located so that I can take a look in them because im not seeing it in /var/log?

  4. Something went wrong when I was using this today.  I was moving a bunch of directories that contained some tv shows from one disk to another but the destination disk is now showing files of the original shows name and not directories.  This happened for all of the directories of tv shows that I moved.  I assume there is nothing I can do to undo the damage?  Could it have something to do with the fact that the shows were spread out over two disks and I was consolidating them onto one?

  5. Who's the owner of the "Bones" folder ? Is it nobody:users or some other user ?

    Bones is in the TVShow share but on the drive its now showing up as owned by "root".  Whats weird is that my folders in the TVShows share show a combination of being owned by "root" or "nobody" and Im not seeing a pattern.

  6. I just ran into another problem.  I have 3 folders, NCIS, NCIS LA and NCIS NO, I am able to add NCIS but neither of the other two to the "Folders to be Moved" category.  If I start with NCIS LA I can then move NCIS NO but not NCIS.


    Edit: and another problem I am seeing is receiving "rsync: failed to set times on "/mnt/disk2/TVShows/Bones": Operation not permitted (1)" on a lot of files.

  7. It doesn't per say Balance the discs. It takes everything off a Disk and spreads it amoung your other discs to clear the selected disk.

    For Example. I'm trying to remove all files off my Disk4 to I can format it to XFS. I selected all the shares I want moved on a particular disk in settings then to Home and clicked all the drives I want it to populate then the Calculate button to make sure it has room amoung all the discs.


    Click Move and it rips along.


    Remember its called UnBalance, not Balance. ;)


    I think I might include this in the first post, it's a spot on description :)


    Have the ability to rebalance when the formatting is done could also be useful.  You move files so that you can format the disks to the new filesystem then balance the array.

  8. I installed the plugin, went Settings->Unbalance and hit Done after making sure its set to Enabled yet it shows the Status as Stopped and I cant access the unbalance page.  This is on version unBALANCE v1.2.15.


    Edit: I had to switch it to Enabled: No, hit Apply then Enabled: Yes and hit apply for the server to start.


    Edit2: Is it possible to select shares to move files from to balance then have it only as much as required to balance the disks?

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