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Posts posted by olympia

  1. Hi,


    I am using this plugin to auto-mount and hare my permanent SSD apps drive. Thank you for the great tool!

    I have a question about the sharing: should share=on survive reboots? In other words, should it automatically re-share the drive after rebooting? I am asking because auto-mounting works like a charm, but I need to manually turn on sharing on each reboot. Is there a setting somewhere I miss for this?


    thank you in advance for the support!


    Edit: actually I have the feeling sometimes it is auto-resharing the drive, sometimes not. Not sure about that though.


    On the page about cross-flashing here: http://www.servethehome.com/ibm-serveraid-m1015-part-4/ He mentions leaving off the

    -b mptsas2.rom

    piece in order to get the card to boot faster at start. Seems kind of handy to me. Not that you will start your ESXi server very often, but it might be interesting to some, especially native unRAID installs.




    I tried this and I can confirm flashing the BIOS is not needed (I only checked with barematal unRAID, not in an ESXi environment). Boot is indeed much faster (not that this matter a lot though).

  3. Hi Joe L.,


    I am trying to troubleshoot an issue what happens to one of my friend with unRAID and cache_dirs.


    Cache_dirs is restarting without any log entry every ~1.5-2 hours. My bet was going on that the process gets killed due to not enough memory, but this is occuring even if I exlude all the larger user shares with the '-e' option.


    Would you have a hint for me where to look at?


    I uploaded the system log (it is not visible from this log, but please note I tried to exclude a lot more shares as well, keeping only 2 very small in for caching).


    Thank you for your help in advance!


  4. Hello Joe L.


    I am trying to troubleshoot a spin down issue, detailed here:



    I have 6GB memory. Would it be possible by any chance that cache_dirs go mad by the high memory issue on rc10 (I don't seem to have the slow down issue though) and could somehow cause such issue? It also occured once, that cache_dirs was - I beleive - crashing overnight, because it disappeard from the running processes when I checked in the morning without anything in the log.

  5. Hi Joe L.,


    thank you for your response.

    I am also not doing any extraordinary hacking when I invoke the command, in fact I am also only doing a couple of excludes and nothing else.


    However I have 4GB RAM and a diverse dir/file structure.

    Cache_dirs is working perfectly, and the initial find stops after a while, and then there is no issue with shuting down the array. But this "after a while" for the initial scan takes about 5-15 minutes (never measured that) and at my friend who really has an insane structure it is more 15-25 minutes.


    This means if I want to stop the array for whatever reason in this initial scan, then I have to telnet in and kill the find command(s) in order to do that. So based on this experience that this period can be even 25 minutes, I thought it would come more handy if cache_dirs -q was doing that kill in its own.

  6. Hi Joe L.,


    not sure this has been already brought up by someone, but I think it hasn't.


    When you stop cache_dirs with 'cache_dirs -q' it is only terminating the cache_dirs instance running in the background, but it is not killing any running (ongoing) 'find' command. So when you try to stop the array soon after you started up cache_dirs, the running 'find' command(s) can keep drive(s) busy even for longer time, resulting a long 'unmounting' on the unRAID interface unless you kill the 'find(s)' manually.


    Could killing of 'find' command(s) be added to 'cache_dirs -q' so that it can shut down gracefully?


    Thank you for your feedback in advance.


    Hi Joe L.,


    Was it that dumb question that you don't have any feedback on it or you missed this one? :)



  7. Hi Joe L.,


    not sure this has been already brought up by someone, but I think it hasn't.


    When you stop cache_dirs with 'cache_dirs -q' it is only terminating the cache_dirs instance running in the background, but it is not killing any running (ongoing) 'find' command. So when you try to stop the array soon after you started up cache_dirs, the running 'find' command(s) can keep drive(s) busy even for longer time, resulting a long 'unmounting' on the unRAID interface unless you kill the 'find(s)' manually.


    Could killing of 'find' command(s) be added to 'cache_dirs -q' so that it can shut down gracefully?


    Thank you for your feedback in advance.

  8. Here is mine. If you are interested in the parts, let me know.


    Chassis: Lian-Li Armorsuit PC-P50 http://www.lian-li.com/v2/en/product/product06.php?pr_index=321&cl_index=1&sc_index=25&ss_index=62


    Drive enclosure 4in3 Nr.1 (top): Lian-Li EX-34N http://www.lian-li.com/v2/en/product/product06.php?pr_index=321&cl_index=1&sc_index=25&ss_index=62

    Drive enclosure 4in3 Nr.2 (middle): Scythe Hard Drive Stabiliser X4 http://www.scythe-usa.com/product/acc/042/scyhdsx4-detail.html

    Drive enclosure 4in3 Nr.3 (bottom): Lian-Li EX-H34 http://www.lian-li.com/v2/en/product/product06.php?pr_index=285&cl_index=2&sc_index=5&ss_index=71


    Motherboard: to be added

    CPU: Intel® Celeron® CPU E3300 @ 2.50GHz

    RAM: 3GB


    CPU Heatsink: Thermalright HR-01 Plus http://www.thermalright.com/new_a_page/product_page/cpu/hr01plus/product_cpu_cooler_hr01plus.htm

    Chipset Heatsink: Thermalright HR-05 http://www.thermalright.com/new_a_page/product_page/chipset/hr05/product_chitset_cooler_hr05.htm



    Parity: WD Caviar Green WD20EARS 2TB

    Data: 7 x WD Caviar Green WD15EADS 1.5TB

            1 x WD Caviar Green WD10EADS 1.0TB

            2 x WD Caviar Green WD10EACS 1.0TB

            1 x SAMSUNG_HD103UJ 1.0TB   

    Cache: WD Caviar Blue WD3200AAKS 320GB


    SATA Controllers:

    Adaptec 1430SA (4X sata)

    Generic Sil 3124-based SATAII Controller (2x sata)


    PSU: Seasonic S12-430

  9. Hi Joe L.,


    Still from abroad, but I had some time and connection to try it out, and now I am even more confused.

    It seems that this way, not only the handbrake command for the first ISO gets written to /tmp/iso_hb (as I would expect from the above), but for the last ISO. For me it doesn't make any sense and I feel really like a dumb, but please see the attached screenshot. The script lists all the 3 iso files I have in that test dir, but it only writes the handbrake command for the last to /tmp/hb_iso


    I hope everyrhing will be visible on the screenshot.


  10. Ok... Try this




    My best guess is you are running out of memory when running in a loop.


    Thanks Joe L.!

    Sorry for the late reponse, but I am abroad for a week with very limited access to Internet. I will try out your suggestion when I am back at home. (Concerning the memory issue, I think 3GB should be enough for my test dir with only 3 ISOs :), so I guess there has to be something else).


    Thank you again!

  11. I am really not able to figure this out. I have tried many combinatation without success.


    If I copy over a few ISOs to a single dir and using your very original script from the first page, then it works perfectly and convert all the ISOs in the dir.


    But if I put the same ISOs to a subdir and running the script above, then it always only convert the ISO in the first dir. More weirdly, if I put the echo command before the Handbrake command line, then if I run the script it is correctly listing the Handbrake command for all the ISOs in all the subdirs.


    I've also noticed, that in the first case (when all the ISOs are in the same dir and I am using the original script), if I hit ctrl-c to cancel the script, it is only canceling the current convert and the script starts the next one in the queue, so I have to hit ctrl-c as many ISOs are in the queue. In case I use the "new" script on a subdirs structure, if I hit ctrl-c, the script exits immediately (it is not starting the next ISO in the queue).

    Is this something coming for the different behaviour of for and while?

  12. I can't tell what you typed from here.   It will probably type that handbrake has finished after every iso file.  Did you use an editor that did NOT put carriage returns at the ends of lines when you edited the set of commands to change iso to lower case? 

    If not, that might be your issue.  Use the "fromdos" command as described in the wiki to fix the script if that is the case.


    If you type

    find /mnt/user  -name  "*.ISO"  -print

    it will print what it would convert.


    If you add an echo in front of the handbrake command, (in blue below)  it will print to the screen the commands it would invoke  (instead of invoking them)

    find /mnt/user  -name  "*.ISO"  -print | while read filename


    echo converting $filename

    f=`basename "$filename" .ISO`

    d=`dirname "$filename"`

    echo HandBrakeCLI -i "$filename" -t 1 -o "$d/$f.avi" -f avi -p -e ffmpeg -S 700 -a 1 -E lame -B 160 -R 0 -6 dp12 -D 1 -v

    echo $filename completed



    Sorry Joe L., obviously I didn't expect you to see exactly what's wrong here. I just use the wrong expression.

    ...and I wasn't so clear either. I meant, when I run "find /mnt/user  -name  "*.ISO"  -print " command separately, then all the ISOs found recursively in the target folder. Now I've tried the "Echo" debug step to check what the script would invoke and it also looks perfect, it lists the command for all the ISOs, but when I actually run the script, it's still exiting after the first ISO. So the script is perfect, thank you for this again, the problem is on my end, now it's my turn to do my homework and try to figure out what's going on here.


    Thank you!

  13. Hi Joe L.,


    I have tried it and seems that at on my end it is only converting the first find of "find /mnt/user  -name  "*.ISO"  -print | while read filename"


    If I just run the command in itself then it finds all the ISOs recursively in the target dir, but the encode gets done only on the first item with a returned prompt:


    Rip done!
    HandBrake has exited.
    /mnt/user/TargetDir/FirstItem.iso completed


    I haven't modified anything on the script you created. Am I doing something wrong?

  14. Here it is:

    for i in /mnt/user/Movies/*.ISO


      f=`basename $i .ISO`

      HandBrakeCLI -i $i -t 1 -o /mnt/disk/hdi1/$f.avi -f avi -p -e ffmpeg -S 700 -a 1 -E lame -B 160 -R 0 -6 dp12 -D 1 -v

      echo $i



    Hi Joe L.

    Would it be an easy and quick excercise for you to help me out on how to modify your script to be recursive on say a hard coded path and always save the converted file in the same folder as the original iso was?


    Or that would be more difficult task to just quickly draft it down?


    Thank you!

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