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  1. Great. Thanks. Found it and got everything work.
  2. Hey PhAze, I have a question for you. Sorry, I am kind of a new person to unraid and linux, just kind of learning as I go with it. I just upgrade my unrain to 6 beta 12, and then found out about the settings not being visible anymore. I have a question about you response for the fix to it. Unraid 6 Beta 12+ GUI fix For those using Unraid 6 beta 12+ you'll notice the GUI doesn't load on plugins anymore. That will be until the plugins are updated to support the new web interface, however in doing an update like that, all users running beta 11 and down will get broken plugins. So, I will not officially update the plugins for unraid 6 until the RC or final is released. In the meantime, users of beta 12+ can use the following script in their GO file (once per plugin) to fix the gui. Where do I found this GO file, or what is that file so I can put the fix you listed in here in that file. Thanks for your time and keep up the great work. J