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Everything posted by codee.pickett

  1. Here are the diagnostics. Thanks for the help. the-grid-diagnostics-20190525-1509.zip
  2. I am getting this error from time to time. Would this mean I may be experiencing an issue with the CPU? May 23 00:30:10 The-Grid kernel: mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged May 23 00:30:10 The-Grid kernel: mce: [Hardware Error]: CPU 2: Machine Check: 0 Bank 5: bea0000000000108 May 23 00:30:10 The-Grid kernel: mce: [Hardware Error]: TSC 0 ADDR 1ffff8109def4 MISC d012000100000000 SYND 4d000000 IPID 500b000000000 May 23 00:30:10 The-Grid kernel: mce: [Hardware Error]: PROCESSOR 2:800f11 TIME 1558596591 SOCKET 0 APIC 4 microcode 8001137 I have recently replaced the power supply. Any recommendations on where to start next?
  3. I’m having an issue with the array restarting on its own and not due to a power loss. I then can log back in to my unraid server and restart it. Seems to happen after 2-3 hours of being on. Sometimes the server goes completely off the network as well even with the computer still running. A full restart will fix this. Fix uncommon problems isn’t finding any issues with the array either. This started with 6.6.7.
  4. When new files are added and downloaded using Sonarr & NZBget I am unable to edit the folders and files within them. I can have unraid create new permissions and then have access but only for a limited of time. What am I missing? This is getting to be a hassle as I cant update my media via plex due to the permissions issues. 0
  5. When new files are added and downloaded using Sonarr & NZBget I am unable to edit the folders and files within them. I can have unraid create new permissions and then have access but only for a limited of time. What am I missing? This is getting to be a hassle as I cant update my media via plex due to the permissions issues.
  6. My key is pasted in the settings.conf file and i still get that i am running an old version.
  7. I'm getting an error failed to store registration code in settings when entering the key. Need some assistance.
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