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Posts posted by Edrikk

  1. Upgrade from 6.8 to 6.8.1 went without issue.


    If you don't mind, 1 suggestion, and one behavior comment:


    Suggestion:  Can the login page have the cursor start in the username field upon load?  right now it takes a click to get there, which can be saved given username entry is the first action on the page.


    Comment:  In the versions prior to 6.8, one could jump directly to a URL (e.g. http://tower/Docker).  i.e. entering username/pass would take you to that page.   With the new login form, if the user is *already* authenticated, the browser will take you directly to that URL (given that you're already signed in).  However, if you are not logged in, going to (again e.g. above url) will pop the login form as expected, but upon successful authentication you are always taken to "Main".

  2. Fully realize that this is more of a usability/user experience request more than anything else: @bonienl is it possible to have the new login screen have focus on the username field when it loads?


    Currently one has to click/tab into the username field to start the process...  It's an extra click that doesn't seem necessary.


    PS.  I'm on Windows 10, and have sanity checked behavior on Firefox and Chrome.

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