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  1. Thanks for the feedback. The apache warning is ok, as the server doesn't need a real domain name (although I suppose I could set it just to not have the warning show...) - as for the reboots, I've seen that same behavior...but haven't found the reason yet. I'll keep looking.
  2. A trick that I'll share in case you want to index a subdir of /mnt/user (mounted in the container as /data) from the web interface http://[server]:2112/cgi-bin/duc.cgi?cmd=reindex&path=/data/[subdir] So for me, if i want to index just /mnt/user/photos, I do could do http://myservername.local:2112/cgi-bin/duc.cgi?cmd=reindex&path=/data/photos Note: This will not work for paths that are not a subdir of /data, and I've not tested it in a case where the first index of /data isn't complete.
  3. I'd either index this in chunks (as was suggested by 00b5) or run duc index from within a shell (using docker exec) to see the output from the indexer tool. I'm not sure what the limits are on the DUC indexer, but I'm wondering if RAM is an issue at that size. If you want some help running the indexer, let me know - I'd love to figure out how to make this work for such a large array.
  4. A new container push with updated DUC features: I also changed the HOME for the container to /duc which means that you no longer need to specify the database on any duc command line calls. I edited my past posts to reflect the change.
  5. Updated container (and xml template) published. New parameters that can be set when installing the container: -m or --maxlevels Max # of levels shown in chart (web) - defaults to 5 -p or --pixels Size of the chart (web) in pixels - defaults to 1000px -l or --list Include a directory listing with the chart (web) on / off - defaults to on -i or --index Ability to trigger an index operation from the web page can be turned off - defaults to on These are specified TOGETHER as one environment variable named DUC_CGI_OPTIONS http://i.imgur.com/lUB0ibR.png[/img] Other changes: Web pages always show the full path now (before if you drilled in, the url bar showed the previous path, plus some numbers) The indexing page now sends back some info and asks you to be patient - at least you know it is working Fixed a pointer error that was showing up in the apache logs
  6. If anyone is interested in the duplicate file finding functions I've been adding (still a work in progress, but tests out ok on my data) - here's a screenshot to give you an idea of what it does: duc has a number of command-line utils, in this case I'm calling duc dup (which I added) with: --database to specify the location of the duc index database (in my container it is at /duc/.duc.db) (NOTE: As of 1/9/2015, you no longer need to specify the database - and the location shown in the image is now incorrect.) --megabytes to specify the minimum file or folder size to use for comparisons. I like to work on the biggest items first, and reduce the noise. This also makes it run extremely fast. -f for folderscan (only compare folders, not files.) the path to scan. In this case /data. Note, that this has to be an indexed path. In my container, we map external data to /data. You can specify a subpath of that index, or if you've used duc index at the command line to index another path, you can specify it. The key is to remember that the duc dup command works on the EXISTING DUC INDEX, it does not read the disk directly. Note that this scan took .16 seconds The same scan with --megabytes=1 returns 539 matches, and takes .44 secs. All candidate matches are returned as a row (I left a few examples in the screenshot), and then a summary table is listed below. If you enable other match types, you will see the match type on the left - and a summary of matches by those types at the end of the scan. Match types are: Name + Size: always enabled Extension + Size: enable with -e (not valid with folderscan -f) Size: enable with -s Name: enable with -n You can also enable case insensitivity with -i. At some point, I'll add this functionality to the web interface for DUC so that you don't need to docker exec into the container for dup - but until that time, it is available on the command line. Until then - here's how I run it. [*]SSH into your unRAID box [*]Start a bash shell in the DUC container using: docker exec -it DUC /bin/bash (This assumes you've used the template and the container is called DUC - you can see the name on the unRAID docker tab [*]Use the command line instructions above to run dup scans - don't forget that database option or you will likely get a "Database corrupt and not usable" message. [*]If you remove duplicates, don't forget you'll need to rerun the index command (on the command line, or in the web interface) to get updated results. To reindex /data from the command line in the container bash shell, you'd use the command duc index /data [*]Exit the bash shell from the docker when you are done and then close the ssh session to your unRAID server NOTE: This duplicate file finding does NOT use a CRC / Hash to compare files. It is returning duplicate CANDIDATES, and you need to personally validate that they are duplicates! Please alert me if something doesn't work, or if these instructions need to be improved If you want help getting started, just ping me.
  7. Funny that they don't work for me...oh well At least the intelligent ones
  8. Updates based on feedback: 1) Updated to phusion *.15 2) Default port mapping changed to 2112 3) Removed the auto-indexing on startup. I'd added that before I added the abiity to trigger an index from the website, and you may not want a big index job at startup. 4) Updated template xml description with some getting-started info. 5) Redirected from webroot to the cgi-script to save a little typing & help new users find it easier 6) Combined some commands in the Dockerfile to reduce # of layers (and removed some old commented-out commands) Also: I moved the icons to imgur as I saw in another template - but still not getting working icons for some reason....Are others seeing the icons?
  9. Yeah, I'm a little slow to remember all the moving parts. Much easier to just change the xml. Ok, THAT will be a rebuild.
  10. Total ignorance on my part. I'll change it to something else and update the template later tonight. Thanks for the tip!
  11. Template developers: I've been unable to get the icons to show up properly in my docker dashboard - any idea what I've done wrong?
  12. Over the holidays, I built my first unRAID server and setup the CrashPlan docker container. I was interested in learning more about docker AND wanted to interactively browse my array for organization and to reduce duplicates. I stumbled upon DUC which creates awesome interactive Disk Usage Charts like this: I've created a DUC (and apache) container based on the suggested phusion baseimage, and created a template repository and template so that you can easily install it in unRAID. I'm looking for others to test my container and provide feedback. I'm still working to reduce its size and to add more features (I've forked DUC, and will do a pull request for my changes once I'm complete) PLEASE CONSIDER THIS EXPERIMENTAL AND A WORK IN PROGRESS. My template repo: https://github.com/digitalman2112/docker-templates (Update: the above URL didn't work for someone, but the following did work: https://github.com/digitalman2112/docker-templates/tree/master/digitalman2112) My duc-docker build repo: https://github.com/digitalman2112/duc-docker My DUC fork repo: https://github.com/digitalman2112/duc My Docker Hub page: https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/digitalman2112/duc/ When installing into unRAID, map your array (or a portion of) to /data (this is the default if you use the docker tab and the template) - It will default to READ ONLY, as there is no need for the container to have write access to the data for indexing. You also need to map port 80 from the docker container to a host port. The template defaults this to 2112. (updated port based on feedback) Once started, you can access the DUC web page with interactive charts by using the Web UI menu option for the running container. This will work if you leave the port option set to 2112, or you can remap it as you see fit and visit http://<container_ip>:80/cgi-bin/duc.cgi You will need to start an index operation by visiting the web interface and clicking reindex (be patient, it doesn't update the page while doing the reindex...yet). You can add additional indexes or try my new duplicate file utility in duc by starting bash in the running container with docker exec. If you do this, look at the duc command line options, and be sure to specify the database location like this: -d /duc/duc.db This is no longer required as I changed the HOME dir for the container to /duc and it will automatically place the .duc.db there now Given that the container has access to your data, strongly suggest keeping it internal to your network. I'll be adding the duplicate file functions to the CGI in the coming weeks to avoid the need for command line use, if you are really interested, ping me and I'll get you started with it. It is a matching based file attibutes (name, extension, size) NOT a hash / crc match, so it is very fast, but you still need to validate the files are actually duplicated. I also have a mode that finds duplicate FOLDERS - which is extremely handy for finding mass sets of duplicate photos. Any & all feedback welcomed as I'm new to unRAID, new to docker, and new to duc - but willing to learn Ian (Edits due to build updates)