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Everything posted by jspence27

  1. Thanks Spaceinvader. Reposting from my comment on the video in case other forum users run into the same issue. Running Unraid 6.6.0-rc3 and get - lstopo: error while loading shared libraries: libudev.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory when trying to generate the png. Any thoughts?
  2. I've got 10.13.5 working with GTX 970 HDMI Audio. Using the following kexts and current NVIDIA web drivers: FakePCIID_NVIDIA_HDAU.kext HDMIAudio.kext NvidiaGraphicsFixup.kext Not sure what's doing what, things just worked after I added them.
  3. I neglected to mention that when I connect the USB hub on my monitor to my 2010 Macbook, also running 10.13.5, it works just fine.
  4. Looking for some insight here. I've got OSX 10.13.5 running in a VM with GTX 970, USB, and onboard Bluetooth passed through and working. I'm having trouble getting USB hubs to work though. Plugging devices directly into the USB ports on the board works fine, but when I connect the USB hub on my monitor anything I plug into it doesn't get passed through. The monitor USB hub works fine when connected to passed through ports on my Windows VMs. I know there are Clover patches for regular hackintosh's to expand the mount of USB connections but so far I haven't been able to get those to work. Any thoughts?
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