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Everything posted by flashman1207

  1. I have uninstalled everything and then reinstalled it all. Still having some issues with Couchpotato as I was trying to copy the database from the old one but it wont start with it but not the end of the world..... So all good now, wont be applying any permissions stuff EVER again
  2. I recently installed this plugin and ran a scan. It suggested that I needed to change for permissions of 0777 on shares so I went ahead and did it. Ever since then, when Sabnzbd downloads something the Unrar fails. I get message: Error "[Errno 13] Permission denied" while unpacking RAR files I have checked the permissions of the /mnt/user/Media/Temp Downloads folder where completed downloads go and it says: drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 4096 Jul 14 21:00 Temp\ Downloads/ /mnt/cache/.sabnzbd/Downloads /incomplete says drwxrwxrwx 79 nobody users 4840 Jul 14 17:46 incomplete/ What has happened here? I'm a Linux noob so be gentle...thx Its worse than I thought... I had to restart SAB, Sickbeard etc but nothing will start. Just get: Start failed. No PID created Unraid Log says things like: Jul 14 21:28:18 tower emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/Sickbeard/scripts/rc.Sickbeard buttonstart Jul 14 21:28:21 tower sudo: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=nobody ; COMMAND=/bin/bash -c . /mnt/cache/.PhAzE-Common/Sickbeard/startcfg.sh; python /usr/local/Sickbeard/SickBeard.py --daemon --port 8081 --datadir /mnt/cache/.sickbeard --pidfile /var/run/Sickbeard/Sickbeard.pid > /dev/null 2>&1 & Jul 14 21:28:39 tower sudo: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/usr/local/emhttp ; USER=nobody ; COMMAND=/bin/bash -c . /mnt/cache/.PhAzE-Common/Sickbeard/startcfg.sh; git --git-dir=/usr/local/Sickbeard/.git rev-parse HEAD Jul 14 21:28:42 tower sudo: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/usr/local/emhttp ; USER=nobody ; COMMAND=/bin/bash -c . /mnt/cache/.PhAzE-Common/Sickbeard/startcfg.sh; python --version 2>&1 Jul 14 21:28:42 tower sudo: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/usr/local/emhttp ; USER=nobody ; COMMAND=/bin/bash -c . /mnt/cache/.PhAzE-Common/Sickbeard/startcfg.sh; sqlite3 --version 2>&1 Jul 14 21:28:42 tower sudo: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/usr/local/emhttp ; USER=nobody ; COMMAND=/bin/bash -c . /mnt/cache/.PhAzE-Common/Sickbeard/startcfg.sh; git --version 2>&1 Jul 14 21:28:42 tower sudo: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/usr/local/emhttp ; USER=nobody ; COMMAND=/bin/bash -c . /mnt/cache/.PhAzE-Common HELP PLEASE !!!!
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