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Posts posted by thestewman

  1. Sorry about being so persistent but this is a very important plugin I use


    I have been using the preclear package from the beginning with all versions of Unraid 6.

    My current Unraid version is  v6.1.2


    The only problem I ever experienced was it would take 10 or 20 clicks of the Start button to start the plugin and just as many to the X button to stop the plugin.


    I just did two consecutive updates 2015.09.18 and then 2015.09.19a  and now get this error message


    tput: unknown terminal "stream"




    /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/preclear_disk.sh  -t -J /dev/sdg

    root@Tower:/usr/local/emhttp# /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/preclear_disk.sh  -t -J /dev/sdg

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"



    Pre-Clear unRAID Disk /dev/sdg


    ############### 1.15b

    Model Family:    Western Digital Caviar Green

    Device Model:    WDC WD10EADS-00L5B1

    Serial Number:    WD-WCAU48551976

    LU WWN Device Id: 5 0014ee 156ff624a

    Firmware Version: 01.01A01

    User Capacity:    1,000,204,886,016 bytes [1.00 TB]

    Disk /dev/sdg: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes

    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders, total 1953525168 sectors

    Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes

    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

    Disk identifier: 0x00000000

      Device Boot      Start        End      Blocks  Id  System

    /dev/sdg1              64  1953525167  976762552    0  Empty




    == DISK /dev/sdg IS PRECLEARED with a starting sector of 64





    I have stream installed via the Unmenu Package Manager


    Thanks for the help


    The latest version 2015.09.20 fixed the errors

  2. Sorry about being so persistent but this is a very important plugin I use


    I have been using the preclear package from the beginning with all versions of Unraid 6.

    My current Unraid version is  v6.1.2


    The only problem I ever experienced was it would take 10 or 20 clicks of the Start button to start the plugin and just as many to the X button to stop the plugin.


    I just did two consecutive updates 2015.09.18 and then 2015.09.19a  and now get this error message


    tput: unknown terminal "stream"




    /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/preclear_disk.sh  -t -J /dev/sdg

    root@Tower:/usr/local/emhttp# /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/preclear_disk.sh  -t -J /dev/sdg

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"



    Pre-Clear unRAID Disk /dev/sdg


    ############### 1.15b

    Model Family:    Western Digital Caviar Green

    Device Model:    WDC WD10EADS-00L5B1

    Serial Number:    WD-WCAU48551976

    LU WWN Device Id: 5 0014ee 156ff624a

    Firmware Version: 01.01A01

    User Capacity:    1,000,204,886,016 bytes [1.00 TB]

    Disk /dev/sdg: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes

    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders, total 1953525168 sectors

    Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes

    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

    Disk identifier: 0x00000000

      Device Boot      Start        End      Blocks  Id  System

    /dev/sdg1              64  1953525167  976762552    0  Empty




    == DISK /dev/sdg IS PRECLEARED with a starting sector of 64





    I have stream installed via the Unmenu Package Manager

  3. I have been using this preclear package from the beginning. Including all versions of Unraid 6.

    My current version is  v6.1.2


    The only problem I ever experienced was it would take 10 or 20 clicks of the Start button to start the plugin and just as many to the X button to stop the plugin.


    I just did two consecutive updates 2015.09.18 and then 2015.09.19a  and now get this error message


    tput: unknown terminal "stream"


    I do have stream installed via the Unmenu Package Manager



    /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/preclear_disk.sh  -t -J /dev/sdg

    root@Tower:/usr/local/emhttp# /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/preclear_disk.sh  -t -J /dev/sdg

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"

    tput: unknown terminal "screen"

    Pre-Clear unRAID Disk /dev/sdg

    ################################################################## 1.15b

    Model Family:    Western Digital Caviar Green

    Device Model:    WDC WD10EADS-00L5B1

    Serial Number:    WD-WCAU48551976

    LU WWN Device Id: 5 0014ee 156ff624a

    Firmware Version: 01.01A01

    User Capacity:    1,000,204,886,016 bytes [1.00 TB]

    Disk /dev/sdg: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes

    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders, total 1953525168 sectors

    Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes

    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

    Disk identifier: 0x00000000

      Device Boot      Start        End      Blocks  Id  System

    /dev/sdg1              64  1953525167  976762552    0  Empty




    == DISK /dev/sdg IS PRECLEARED with a starting sector of 64





    I know this sound stupid and sometime I cannot believe how I miss the obvious.

    I want to run Krusader. Where do I get the Docker Repository ?

    When I click on the Krusader icon I get another page with a larger icon.


    Clicking on the large icon just gets me to a random spot on Sparkly's page.


    Makes no sense

    You either need to add the repository URL to the section in the docker repositories tab and then go to Docker Containers and add a container (it will be in the list), or install the Community Applications plugin (http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40262.0) which makes the whole system a lot easier to use

    I understand what you have explained. I do have the Community applications. There is nothing allowing me to add the repository. I assume I could go to the GitHub page and get it but i thought that was the idea of the Community Applications or this page.

    So when I click on the Community Application for Krusader I get the entry area to add the container information but since I do not have the repository none of that info is transferred. What am I missing ? The OP's list on this web page definitely does not have the repository.  Or maybe my Community Applications is not working correct.


    I know this sound stupid and sometime I cannot believe how I miss the obvious.

    I want to run Krusader. Where do I get the Docker Repository ?

    When I click on the Krusader icon I get another page with a larger icon.


    Clicking on the large icon just gets me to a random spot on Sparkly's page.


    Makes no sense

  6. I just ran and completed running PreClear with this plugin and it is great.

    My only question is where do I find the Smart History that is associated with each disk that I ran the Preclear on ?

    I do find a Smart Hstory (Printed in Red) in the System Log.

    If I go to the Smart History Button I get the following message.


    "Sorry: cannot run smarthistory. "

    "The /boot/smarthistory/smarthistory.php file does not exist."

  7. [glow=red,2,300]UPDATE[/glow]



    Fix: remove ^n markup from preclear status

    Fix: show a wait message while preclear is starting

    Fix: add MD5 verification to downloaded files

    Fix: remove the Start Preclear link if an tmux session is already open


    OK, just updated successfully and all 4 files in the preclear.disk folder now have respectable sizes.  I started a preclear.  Now on the Settings->Preclear Disk screen I have one line for disk sdo and at the far right side, only a Starting.... followed by a big red X


    Is this expected status behavior for a running preclear?




    On the preclear page, right side, above the start button it should state if the script is available

  8. [glow=red,2,300]UPDATE[/glow]



    Fix: remove ^n markup from preclear status

    Fix: show a wait message while preclear is starting

    Fix: add MD5 verification to downloaded files

    Fix: remove the Start Preclear link if an tmux session is already open


    OK, just updated successfully and all 4 files in the preclear.disk folder now have respectable sizes.  I started a preclear.  Now on the Settings->Preclear Disk screen I have one line for disk sdo and at the far right side, only a Starting.... followed by a big red X


    Is this expected status behavior for a running preclear?

    If you did not get a text screen sounds like it did not start.

    You should have 3 tgz files and the script in your preclear. disk folder. Did you turn off all pop up and adware blockers?

  9. I had the corruption (0 byte files) issue as well.  Now it runs, but I'm not sure how to use bjp999's version with the fast post read.  Do I just rename the script file, or am I missing something?

    If using the fast preclear script rename it preclear_disk.sh

    Did you add the preclear_disk.sh script to the config/plugins/preclear.disk folder ?

    If you have a popup or any Ad Blockers you have to turn them off for this page


    Sometimes I have to multiple click the Start Preclear button

    Your preclear.disk folder should be like the one above in reply #60 from morbidpete

    And make sure the file sizes match the ones in reply #60 as I could not download them via the plug in an had to manually download them. 



  11. my plugin setup that is working just fine for reference



    Thank you for the setup info.

    I got it working.

    Your setup info resolved what to do with the 3 txz files needed.

    I was never able to resolve why when I ran the plugin 2 of the 3 txz files were empty. But I was able to get the correct files by going directly to the Slackware site and add them after installing the plugin.

    The final thing I found and this is really stupid on my part.

    I am using Adblockplus and it stopped me from receiving the preclear messages from within the Chrome browser.

    Turning it off for the Tower pages solved the last problem.

    Thanks again for all who stepped in to help.

  12. Please go to Tools - System Log and click the Download button and post.


    Here is the syslog


    I don't see anything wrong, but the download must be failing for some reason...


    Are you able to SSH/telnet in or try these commands from the console to see if any errors come back:


    wget -O /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/tmux-1.8-x86_64-1.txz http://mirrors.slackware.com/slackware/slackware64-14.1/slackware64/ap/tmux-1.8-x86_64-1.txz
    wget -O /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/libevent-2.0.21-x86_64-1.txz http://mirrors.slackware.com/slackware/slackware64-14.1/slackware64/l/libevent-2.0.21-x86_64-1.txz


    This basically manually (re)downloads those 0-sized packages you're seeing


    I tried using your recommendation and the 2 files I downloaded and received were only 1kb in size.

    I don't understand why I am having a problem downloading only those  2 files or why the plugin does not install correctly.

    I was hoping the OP could enlighten me on the problem.


    I went directly to the Slackware site and downloaded the 3 correct txz files.


    Can you or someone advise me what directory or folder names to use and where to place the files after unpacking them.


    Currently I have them in separate folders.




    All in the preclear.disk folder which also includes the file for preclear_disk.sh

    The plugin will go to Starting but does not run.

    And eventually I stop it within the plugin



  13. Your first post to this thread said

    Installed as per the URL above and the installation went without any errors.

    Just to clarify, do you mean you pasted the URL into the Install Plugins page, or did you try to save it to the plugins folder yourself?

    I pasted this into the Plugin area  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gfjardim/unRAID-plugins/master/plugins/preclear.disk.plg


    Your previous download was incomplete. Delete the folder /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk (/boot = your flash drive) and re-install using the plugin manager.

    I do not have /boot/config/plugins folder  ??

    I do have config/plugins folder

    I deleted the preclear.disk folder,rebooted the server

    And reinstalled the plugin

    Here is the install log


    plugin: installing: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gfjardim/unRAID-plugins/master/plugins/preclear.disk.plg

    plugin: downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gfjardim/unRAID-plugins/master/plugins/preclear.disk.plg

    plugin: downloading: /tmp/plugins/preclear.disk.plg ... done

    plugin: downloading: /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/preclear.disk-2015.05.20b.txz ... done



    | Installing new package /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/preclear.disk-2015.05.20b.txz



    Verifying package preclear.disk-2015.05.20b.txz.

    Installing package preclear.disk-2015.05.20b.txz:


    Package preclear.disk-2015.05.20b.txz installed.



    plugin: downloading: /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/tmux-1.8-x86_64-1.txz ... done



    | Installing new package /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/tmux-1.8-x86_64-1.txz



    Verifying package tmux-1.8-x86_64-1.txz.

    xz: (stdin): File format not recognized

    Installing package tmux-1.8-x86_64-1.txz:


    WARNING: Package has not been created with 'makepkg'

    Package tmux-1.8-x86_64-1.txz installed.



    plugin: downloading: /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/libevent-2.0.21-x86_64-1.txz ... done



    | Installing new package /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/libevent-2.0.21-x86_64-1.txz



    Verifying package libevent-2.0.21-x86_64-1.txz.

    xz: (stdin): File format not recognized

    Installing package libevent-2.0.21-x86_64-1.txz:


    WARNING: Package has not been created with 'makepkg'

    Package libevent-2.0.21-x86_64-1.txz installed.



    chmod: cannot access '/usr/local/sbin/readvz': No such file or directory



    preclear.disk has been installed.

    This plugin requires Dynamix webGui to operate

    Copyright 2015, gfjardim

    Version: 2015.05.20b



    plugin: installed




    I see several errors but do not understand why.


    The result is a preclear.diskfolder containing

    libevent-2.0.21-x86_64-1.txz            file size    0

    tmux-1.8-x86_64-1.txz                    file size    0

    preclear.disk-2015.05.20b.txz            file size  95


    None of the files have been unpacked



  14. I am having difficulty with the plugin. It could be I do not know enough and I am not properly installing it.

    When I install the plugin I get 3 uzipped files placed into Flash/Config/Plugins (see Attachment)


    Two of the files are empty



    I can unzip the remaining file and get the following Install message


    Verifying package tmux-1.8-x86_64-1.txz.

    xz: (stdin): File format not recognized

    Installing package tmux-1.8-x86_64-1.txz:


    WARNING: Package has not been created with 'makepkg'

    Package tmux-1.8-x86_64-1.txz installed.



    plugin: downloading: /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/libevent-2.0.21-x86_64-1.txz ... done



    | Installing new package /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/libevent-2.0.21-x86_64-1.txz



    Verifying package libevent-2.0.21-x86_64-1.txz.

    xz: (stdin): File format not recognized

    Installing package libevent-2.0.21-x86_64-1.txz:


    WARNING: Package has not been created with 'makepkg'

    Package libevent-2.0.21-x86_64-1.txz installed.



    chmod: cannot access '/usr/local/sbin/readvz': No such file or directory



    When I attempt to run the plugin I get :


    PreClear  Script not Present


    There is conflicting instructions on where to place the Preclear_disk.sh file

    The writer says:

    Download it to your PC, un-zip it there, then copy preclear_disk.sh to your flash drive to the same folder that currently has bzroot and bzimage.

    On linux, that folder would be


    From windows file-explorer,the folder would be at


    if you just plug the flash drive into your windows PC, it will be the top level folder on the drive.


    And the OP says:

    Please put a copy of the script to /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/ directory.

    I do not have a /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/ directory

    Only config/plugins/preclear.disk/ directory

    So I am totally confused.


    Zero-length files on flash are often a sign of corruption. Put in your PC and let it checkdisk.


    Did a DSKCHK from the command line on my PC

    No Problems were found


    I tried again to install Preclear and it did the same thing.

    tmux-1.8-x86_64-1.txz              File size 0

    libevent-2.0.21-x86_64-1.txz    File size 0

    And it places the third file.... preclear.disk-2015.05.20b.txz into the folder Preclear Disk with out extracting

    Is there someway to verify the plugin download is running correctly

  15. I am having difficulty with the plugin. It could be I do not know enough and I am not properly installing it.

    When I install the plugin I get 3 uzipped files placed into Flash/Config/Plugins (see Attachment)


    Two of the files are empty



    I can unzip the remaining file and get the following Install message


    Verifying package tmux-1.8-x86_64-1.txz.

    xz: (stdin): File format not recognized

    Installing package tmux-1.8-x86_64-1.txz:


    WARNING: Package has not been created with 'makepkg'

    Package tmux-1.8-x86_64-1.txz installed.



    plugin: downloading: /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/libevent-2.0.21-x86_64-1.txz ... done



    | Installing new package /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/libevent-2.0.21-x86_64-1.txz



    Verifying package libevent-2.0.21-x86_64-1.txz.

    xz: (stdin): File format not recognized

    Installing package libevent-2.0.21-x86_64-1.txz:


    WARNING: Package has not been created with 'makepkg'

    Package libevent-2.0.21-x86_64-1.txz installed.



    chmod: cannot access '/usr/local/sbin/readvz': No such file or directory



    When I attempt to run the plugin I get :


    PreClear  Script not Present


    There is conflicting instructions on where to place the Preclear_disk.sh file

    The writer says:

    Download it to your PC, un-zip it there, then copy preclear_disk.sh to your flash drive to the same folder that currently has bzroot and bzimage.

    On linux, that folder would be


    From windows file-explorer,the folder would be at


    if you just plug the flash drive into your windows PC, it will be the top level folder on the drive.


    And the OP says:

    Please put a copy of the script to /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/ directory.

    I do not have a /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/ directory

    Only config/plugins/preclear.disk/ directory

    So I am totally confused.



  16. Installed as per the URL above and the installation went without any errors.

    The plugin was installed and noted on the Plugin page as installed but it was not listed on the Settings/utilities page.

    I rebooted the system and still no listing on the Settings/Utilities page.

    I did the latest update that added the fast preclear and still no listing in Settings/utilities


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