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Posts posted by sch1308

  1. I migrated to a new motherboard that I took out of an old desktop and now my server UI is extremely slow or hangs on every page except the main dashboard. The community apps page, for example, stays stuck at "updating content" with the loading animation. I am also getting a plex transcode error but not sure if that is related. I am using a tp link access point with a 100mbps ethernet port built in since my server is not in the same room as my router linked here. I have my server assigned a static IP in my router settings but not in the Unraid GUI network page. 

    Screen Shot 2021-12-28 at 10.03.23 PM.png



    You haven't described the error you're getting, neither here nor on the sonarr forum, merely posted a screenshot of a log file.  Without context it's kind of meaningless.


    A fresh pull is working for me, as is another old install.


    I've said it to other people in the past,  docker faq.  If we can't reproduce something, then we can't fix it.


    It's also better to copy/paste logs as described in the sonarr forum as it makes scrolling through longer ones and searching for previous issues much easier.


    (Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here)


    sorry, I added my logs from sonarr.txt to the forum topic.

  3. I am having an issue with the plexpass update channel, plex seems to freeze after a few hours and gives me the following error in the logs. https://i.imgur.com/Xwy8ELj.jpg


    No idea how you've got Plex configured either docker or the app itself, sorry not given us anywhere near enough information to try and work this one out.  May well be a Plex (config) issue rather a docker issue.  Have a look at the docker FAQ to get an idea of what we need as a MINIMUM....  http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg481150#msg481150


    Also try looking in the Plex logs as I've pointed to above.


    here is my log https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwkcbMyLG6eeaWhaVElfUXJ3ZmM/view?usp=sharing and attached is my command. It seems to be fine for a few hours until it hits the specific files. Ive tried clearing trash and optimizing the database as well.


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