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Posts posted by FFV

  1. On 4/15/2021 at 9:21 AM, mattbridges said:

    I'm trying to enable anonymous access by passing these environmental variables through but it doesn't seem to be working, am I doing something wrong?

    Container Variable: GF_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS
    Set to true

    Container Variable: GF_ORG_ROLE

    Set to Editor

    I got anonymous access working by adding the variable GF_AUTH_ANONYMOUS_ENABLED set to true.

    Hope it helps


  2. Hi,


    I've been looking for a self-hosted alternative to last.fm for a while now so I'm excited about this.

    Got the docker all set up - last.fm history imported and all looks good.

    What I'm struggling with is scrobbling from iTunes on OSX. I've been fiddling around but haven't found a way, yet, to get this to work.


    Would love to hear if someone has any ideas or has this working.




  3. 1 minute ago, e46forlife said:

    I just started running into an error with the shinobi_pro docker container.  The container is not starting and I am getting the following error in the log file:


    error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge:
    Please move or remove them before you merge.


    Anyone else having the same issue?  I've restarted unraid and completely removed and reinstalled the shinobi_pro container, and I am still getting the error. Thoughts?



    Morning - I'm having the same issue;

    error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge:
    Please move or remove them before you merge.

    Haven't found a way to resolve it.

  4. I followed the video and installed High Sierra without any issues. Thanks for putting that together, really helpful!


    There is one thing that I've been struggling with and I'm wondering if someone else has had a similar experience;

    I can pass through USB devices without problems except for iPhones and iPads. If I pass them through they connect and disconnect instantly. They briefly show in the About This Mac/System Report and then disappear.


    I factory reset the devices and passing them through to another VM (OSX 10.12) works flawlessly so it's neither the device nor the cable.

    Trying the same with OSX 10.13.5 connects and then instant disconnect.


    I first thought it was an issue with passing USB devices to OSX 10.13.5 but keyboards and USB sticks all work fine. I've tried both 'hot swapping' the devices as well as embedding them in the VM's XML. If anyone has any suggestions they're more than welcome..



  5. Quote

    I get this error when trying to install this plugin;


    | Testing SNMP by listing mounts
    Couldn't find /boot mount point in SNMP output. Output:
    Timeout: No Response from localhost
    plugin: run failed: /bin/bash retval: 1


    On 29/03/2017 at 5:47 AM, coppit said:


    For some reason your machine can't talk to itself. What happens if you log into the server and run "ping localhost"? If that works, try "curl -I http://localhost/" (that's a capital eye, not an el). It should say "Server: emhttp" on the second line.


    I'm having the same issue as Zin105, however only when I reboot my server.

    Once it is up I can install the plugin without problems and it runs correctly. On the next reboot however I get the same error message and the plugin is removed automatically.


    I can ping localhost and curl I returns the below;




    ~# curl -I http://localhost/

    HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented

    Server: emhttp

    Connection: close

    Content-Type: text/plain

    Content-Length: 19



    Any ideas?


    ***Edit 27/4***

    Interesting/strange find: I rebooted my server this morning, the plugin uninstalled automatically (as I expected), but without reinstalling it Observium is seeing the device as online and collecting data from it... 

  6. Question about enabling the LastFM scrobbler;

    When I follow the instructions and put the file with my user name / password in my library folder I get the below. It seems to log in and get a session key but it is not working correctly.


    Any ideas?


    Forked Media Server Version 23.4


    [2016-02-01 10:58:52] [  LOG]  lastfm: Empty lastfm credentials file /music/setup.lastfm

    [2016-02-01 10:58:52] [  LOG]  lastfm: Empty lastfm credentials file /music/._setup.lastfm

    [2016-02-01 10:58:52] [  LOG]  lastfm: Invalid lastfm credentials file /music/._setup.lastfm: username name too long or missing password

    [2016-02-01 10:58:52] [  LOG]  lastfm: Invalid lastfm credentials file /music/._setup.lastfm: username name too long or missing password

    [2016-02-01 10:58:52] [  LOG]  lastfm: Empty lastfm credentials file /music/._setup.lastfm

    [2016-02-01 10:58:52] [  LOG]  lastfm: Invalid lastfm credentials file /music/._setup.lastfm: username name too long or missing password

    [2016-02-01 10:58:52] [  LOG]  lastfm: lastfm credentials file OK, logging in with username XXXXXXX

    [2016-02-01 10:58:54] [  LOG]  lastfm: Got session key from LastFM: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    [2016-02-01 10:58:55] [  LOG]  lastfm: Invalid lastfm credentials file /music/._setup.lastfm: username name too long or missing password

  7. You see that the directory doesn't exist ? Try move away from user share and use disk instead , maybe you didn't save settings?


    Something is wrong on your system, you have a missing libs!


    /usr/bin/expect: error while loading shared libraries: libtcl8.6.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    /usr/bin/expect: error while loading shared libraries: libtcl8.6.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory



    What more plugins do you have installed ?


    Please post syslog



    Syslog attached


    Plugins installed;


    Powerdown package 2.18

    OpenVPN Server TUN mode

    Community Applications

    Dynamic webGui

    unRAID Server OS




  8. I tried again, using disk1 instead of user but getting the same results unfortunately.


    init-pki complete; you may now create a CA or requests.

    Your newly created PKI dir is: /mnt/disk1/appdata/myVPNserver/easy-rsa/easyrsa3/pki


    /usr/bin/expect: error while loading shared libraries: libtcl8.6.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    /usr/bin/expect: error while loading shared libraries: libtcl8.6.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


    Checking in the Easyrsa folder there is indeed no folder called PKI.

  9. I'm probably missing something basic here but I've tried a couple times and cannot get it to work.


    Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?


    Running Unraid v 6.1.7


    1. Installed the Server plugin

    2. Defined the path to store config files

    3. Installed Easy-RSA

    4. Click on the Generate keys and certificates -- after this point the Dynamix GUI hangs for a few seconds, reloads and the red X remains. Log shows nothing happens after this point.


    Jan 18 19:17:51 Aegir emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/petersm1/openvpnserver/master/openvpn_server_x64.plg

    Jan 18 19:17:52 Aegir logger: plugin: skipping: /boot/packages/tcl-8.6.2-x86_64-2.txz already exists

    Jan 18 19:17:52 Aegir logger: plugin: running: /boot/packages/tcl-8.6.2-x86_64-2.txz

    Jan 18 19:17:52 Aegir logger: plugin: skipping: /boot/packages/expect- already exists

    Jan 18 19:17:52 Aegir logger: plugin: running: /boot/packages/expect-

    Jan 18 19:17:52 Aegir logger: plugin: creating: /boot/packages/openvpn-2.3.9-x86_64-1.txz - downloading from URL http://mirrors.slackware.com/slackware/slackware64-current/slackware64/n/openvpn-2.3.9-x86_64-1.txz

    Jan 18 19:17:53 Aegir logger: plugin: checking: /boot/packages/openvpn-2.3.9-x86_64-1.txz - MD5

    Jan 18 19:17:53 Aegir logger: plugin: running: /boot/packages/openvpn-2.3.9-x86_64-1.txz

    Jan 18 19:17:53 Aegir logger: plugin: creating: /boot/config/plugins/openvpnserver/openvpnserver-2015.12.23.tar.gz - downloading from URL https://github.com/petersm1/openvpnserver/archive/2015.12.23.tar.gz

    Jan 18 19:17:55 Aegir logger: plugin: running: anonymous

    Jan 18 19:17:55 Aegir logger: plugin: creating: /var/local/emhttp/plugins/openvpnserver/check-my-ip.sh - from INLINE content

    Jan 18 19:17:55 Aegir logger: plugin: setting: /var/local/emhttp/plugins/openvpnserver/check-my-ip.sh - mode to 0770

    Jan 18 19:17:55 Aegir logger: plugin: creating: /var/log/plugins/openvpnserver - from INLINE content

    Jan 18 19:18:39 Aegir rc.openvpnserver[21632]: Plugin configuration for certs written

    Jan 18 19:18:44 Aegir php: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/openvpnserver/scripts/rc.openvpnserver 'download_easy-rsa'

    Jan 18 19:18:50 Aegir php: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/openvpnserver/scripts/rc.openvpnserver 'create_server_cert'



    Thanks in advance!

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