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Posts posted by deuxcolors

  1. Hey y'all.


    I've been bumbling my way through all of this and can't figure it out.  :-\  :'(

    Could someone point me towards a simple how-to for setting up the reverse proxy?


    The info I've found is either obtuse (or I'm just being dense), or I've been getting 404 on some of the links I've found.


    Just to explain what I mean by bumbling. I thought the letsencrypt-nginx docker wasn't working correctly, and reinstalled it multiple times until I realized that my modifications to the zone files I had done hadn't propagated to whichever DNS certbot uses... Reinstalled it this morning and everything is kosher.

    Now I just need to set it up. Hence my request.


    Thanks in advance.

  2. Although the whole point of this container is you don't need to bother running the Calibre OPDS server anymore.  So the Calibre RDP container can be stopped when you're not using the webui.


    Uhmmm... So the the point is to run Calibre to set up the library then turn it off when not needed and use COPS "All the time"

    And it would be nice to have Calibre run in a webui like krusader does instead of messing with VNC. Sadly I don't know how to build a docker container as of yet...

  3. I figured out how to get around my previous issue, but now when I try to connect CP to Deluge when clicking the test button I get a failed and in the logs I get the following repeatedly:


    [tato.core.plugins.profile] Failed: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/app/couchpotato/couchpotato/core/plugins/profile/main.py", line 140, in saveOrder p = db.get('id', profile_id) File "/app/couchpotato/libs/CodernityDB/database_super_thread_safe.py", line 43, in _inner res = f(*args, **kwargs) File "/app/couchpotato/libs/CodernityDB/database.py", line 946, in get raise RecordDeleted("Deleted") RecordDeleted: Deleted


    Any help is appreciated.  :-\


    EDIT: Not sure it is related, but when I restarted CP I got this error:


    [ couchpotato.core.event] Error in event "app.load", that wasn't caught: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/app/couchpotato/couchpotato/core/event.py", line 15, in runHandler return handler(*args, **kwargs) File "/app/couchpotato/couchpotato/core/media/movie/providers/info/themoviedb.py", line 57, in config languages.remove(self.default_language) ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list encoding=UTF-8 debug=False args=['--config_file=/config/config.ini', '--data_dir=/config/data'] app_dir=/app/couchpotato data_dir=/config/data desktop=None options=Namespace(config_file='/config/config.ini', console_log=False, daemon=False, data_dir='/config/data', debug=False, pid_file='/config/data/couchpotato.pid', quiet=False)
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