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Everything posted by khughes

  1. Hi Neil, so are you using your servers purely to stream your blus, dvd's and cd's from? Do you rip your material straight from your pc to the server or rip it to your pc and then copy to the server? Thanks K Yes. and Yes and Yes -- either works. Cheers Neil, it is all "gradually" becoming clearer It's quite funny, the more you read the more confused you become, I think my head needs a built in filter lol
  2. Hi Neil, so are you using your servers purely to stream your blus, dvd's and cd's from? Do you rip your material straight from your pc to the server or rip it to your pc and then copy to the server? Thanks K
  3. So am I correct in thinking that an option to overcome the high power usage as mentioned by Jeff could be to use the HP Microserver as your server and the more powerful HTPC as the media player with all the software etc that you want as you could turn that off when not in use compared to being on 24/7 like the server? Thanks K Or run a 15W Popcorn Hour. Hi Neil I was thinking in terms of if you are using the Microserver as your server then you still need somewhere for your TV/Sat card etc, which can't be housed in the Popcorn Hour can they? I know you can get a BDD in the Popcorn Hour but where does everything else go? If you used the Microserver as an htpc would you not be very limited on what you could put in it due to the lack of space and if you put a BDD in it you have lost a HDD. Thanks K
  4. So am I correct in thinking that an option to overcome the high power usage as mentioned by Jeff could be to use the HP Microserver as your server and the more powerful HTPC as the media player with all the software etc that you want as you could turn that off when not in use compared to being on 24/7 like the server? Thanks K
  5. Hi guys and thanks for the replies, so if you are using a popcorn hour or WDTV, what are you going to use firstly to rip your media to the server and if using the HP Microserver where are you going to have a Freesat card etc? Jeff is it the WDTV that you are not sure if it plays back DTS? Thanks K
  6. Thanks for the reply ilovejedd, a very valid point about just changing to bigger drives as they come out to save a new build. All I need to figure out now is what is the best way to stream my media from the HP which will be my media server, do I build or buy an HTPC or any other ideas appreciated.
  7. Thanks Neil, your help is appreciated, the link you gave me sure has given me some reading and will keep me quiet for a while The part of the thread I have read so far somebody states that they have mixed ecc and non-ecc ram and it is fine which is interesting but not sure I want to take that chance, I guess if I wanted a cheaper option I could abandon the 1GB ECC Ram that came with it and just put a 4GB non-ECC Ram in instead?
  8. Sorry if my questions sound daft but I am really new to all this. I was just inspired to play from your thread. Add 1x 4GB ECC DIMM Doing a search for this it brings up "non-ECC DIMM" am I missing something, could somebody point me in the right direction? A cache drive doesn't help when serving streams. A cache drive speeds up writes. Any hard drive made in the last 10 years can deliver a HD stream. Virtually everyone misunderstands what a cache drive is, which suggests it is badly named. It should be called "Write caching drive" or similar. I misunderstand all of it lol, so when you are copying the media to the server would the cache not speed that process up? IMO they're a bit limited in space. I use one of these and a much larger server that can hold more drives. And now you have killed me so are you saying that I would be better building a different/larger one in the first place rather than a couple of these? How easy is it to link different servers together? And lastly what was the reason for you building this to go with your larger one? Thanks K
  9. Hi guys, is it fine to use 5 2tb drives WD20EARS 5400RPM all the same or am I better off with a different one for the parity drive? Also what is the best way to up it to 4GB of memory instead of the 1GB it came with? Also as it is going to be used as my media server HD heavy am I better to add a cache drive or is it not really worth it? And lastly if in the future I needed more storage could I link two of these beauty's together or would I be better getting a bigger unit when the time arises? Thanks K
  10. Well I was so impressed by yours and mitrepooc's builds that I ordered myself a microserver NL36, should be here tomorrow Before I go buying all the bits I wondered if somebody could give me a bit of advice, it is basically going to be used as my HD movie storage server, I don't have a streamer yet but will probably be a PCH or similar but obviously this will not allow me to rip the blus from it, what is the best way to get a bdd to rip to the server without using up one of my drive spaces from on the microserver as the disc space is going to be important? I don't have any OS or any other software yet so I am totally flexible, any help or info would be gratefully received. Why do I think this is going to be a costly hobby Thanks in advance K
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