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Report Comments posted by darrenyorston

  1. 11 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

    I didn't test myself, though I have very few plugins installed on that server, but according to at least one user in one of the threads I linked above it also happens in safe mode without any plugins.




    I get the error regardless of whether I have plugins operating at boot. Initially I thought it was plugins as my system would boot fine but if I added plugin it wouldnt. Later I worked out that if I did a fresh install it would boot once, if I rebooted it wouldnt work. It seemed to me that when the boot completed it changed soemthing in the O/S. This change caused the error to manifest on a reboot. I did a fresh install of 6.8.1, booted and then rebooted immediately having not changed anything and the problem arose. At the moment I get the error 100% of the time.


    I also have an LSI SATA Controller.


    Today I am going to reimage back to 6.8.0 and see if I get the error. If I dont Ill remain on that version.

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